One of the major branches of numerology, Kabbalah numerology, often spelled Kabala, has gained more interest as Hollywood stars like Madonna and Britney Spears publically delve into Kabbalah studies.
Background of Kabbalah Numerology
Kabbalah numerology is based off of old Hebrew mysticism, specifically, the Hebrew alphabet. The word Kabbalah itself indicates knowledge that comes from the mind rather than empiricist senses or the body. As a result, the Kabbalah system of numerology seeks to bring high levels of knowledge through elevated levels of self awareness.
Unlike Chaldean numerology or Pythagorean numerology, Kabbalah numerology only analyzes one's name (known as name numerology. As a result, numerologists sometimes find the Kabbalah system to be less accurate than other methods of numerology.
How Kabbalah Numerology Works
Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a value, as shown below:
1 | A, J, S |
2 | B, K, T |
3 | C, L, U |
4 | D, M, V |
5 | E, N,W |
6 | F, O, X |
7 | G, P, Y |
8 | H, Q, Z |
9 | I, R |
The original numerical values for each letter were created from the Hebrew alphabet. While there can be up to 400 different life path numbers in Kabbalah studies, many only focus on the more popular numbers. The main focus is on finding one's own Kabbalah number.
How to Find A Kabbalah Number
To find your Kabbalah number, take your name and look at it. Remember to take the value of your full name (middle name included). Find out the value for each letter in your name and add it all together. This should be a double digit number (or in some cases, a triple digit number!). Divide this larger number by 9. Take the remainder (what doesn't fit exactly when dividing) and add the number 1 to it. This is your Kabbalah number.
For example, let us say you added up all the letters in your name and got the number 42. When divided by 9, 42 leaves a remainder of 6. Adding one to this number, your Kabbalah number would be 7. If you were to divide the larger number and it divides perfectly, such as when dividing 81 and there is no remainder, you would add 1 to 0--obtaining a Kabbalah number of 1.
What Does a Kabbalah Number Mean?
Once you have figured out your Kabbalah number, you can find out the energy behind it. The main Kabbalah values include: 1: Progression
2: Expansion
3: Love
4. Unfortunate
5: Creation6:Fulfillment
9: Success
If you are looking for more detailed explanations, you can consult a chart such as the one at Exsoul for more information regarding each number. Many suggest that meditating upon the number itself may provide additional answers.
What Makes The Kabbalah Method Different?
To the outsider, the different types of numerology may not seem very different. After all, each uses numbers to find something out about a person.
However, there are key differences. Kabbalah numerology only analyzes ones name, not their birthday. The other methods of numerology will not only evaluate ones birthday but will assign a life path number based off of it.
The value of numbers is also different between Kabbalah numerology and other methods. While the letter A may have the same value in both Kabbalah and Chaldean numerology, the letter W does not (among many others).
Kabbalah numerology also has a much wider range of numbers. There can be up to 400 different life paths based on 22 different vibrations. Seems exhausting, doesn't it? Luckily, most numerologist work with the more 'popular' life path numbers.
Final Thought
For those interested in Kabbalah studies, numerology provides a window of entry. However, remember that Kabbalah numerology should provide the user a window to their own self too. Learning more about one's own self is the most important focus in Kabbalah vibrations.