A Libra man in love is all about the romance and beauty of love. After all, it's in his nature since Venus, the planet of love, governs his sun sign.
Bring Love on for the Libra Man
Libra's second nature is that of a lover. When he finds that perfect mate, his wellspring of love bursts forth to overwhelm even the most romantic of hearts. Unlike Aries, who aggressively and boldly chases the object of his desire, Libra's style is more artistic and balanced.
A Libra Man Takes His Time
A Libra man in love isn't one to rush in like the ram or dazzle like a Leo. He's going to take his time like a Virgo to analyze, evaluate, and then judge if his feelings are real. Libra can see both sides of any situation or question, and this trait makes it very difficult for him to draw conclusions, much less make important decisions. While he's deliberating over whether to act on his feelings, his love interest may just decide to take hold of matters and seduce him.
Liba Men Evaluate Their Feelings
If this happens, Libra will momentarily be bowled over. Eventually, he'll regain self-control and step back from the relationship to evaluate if it's truly what he wants. This back and forth is detrimental to any love relationship, especially when his lover is ready to move to the next level of commitment. A little patience goes a long way when dealing with Libra. He has to deliberate and weigh his own choices. The best thing his partner can do is get on with her life. If Libra sees that she isn't going to wait around for him to make a move, he'll be forced to make a decision. With the right encouragement, he'll allow himself to accept his feelings as genuine.
Keep Open Lines of Communication
There's never need to worry about a lack of communication with this man since air signs are great communicators. Unlike his fellow air sign, Gemini, Libra knows when to stop talking and simply listen. He's also in tune with his emotions, so his partner can openly share her feelings know he'll listen with a sympathetic ear.
Engage in Interesting Discussions
Libra enjoys discussing ideas, philosophies, art, life, and just about anything else. He's especially interested in his partner's thoughts about life. Long walks along the beach, holding hands and sharing a passionate kiss will be peppered with an ongoing discussion about some tidbit of information he has collected. He also wants to tell his lover how he feels about her and just how amazing she is. In fact, he'll tell her this quite often and, hopefully, she'll tell him how special he is. A Libra man is like any lover who wants to be admired, desired and appreciated, so his partner should let him know.
Let the Romance Begin With Your Libra Man
A Libra man in love lavishes his lover with flowers, jewelry, fine dining, romantic evenings, and surprise getaways. He puts a lot of thought and planning into every romantic touch he brings into her life. All he wants in return is her love and, of course, appreciation for his efforts. Dinner will always be served with wine and a bouquet of flowers to grace the table.

Flattery Will Get You Anything With Libra Men
The phrase "flattery will get you anything" was obviously coined to describe how it works on Libra men. This man loves to be adored by his lover and wants to hear her sing his praises. The more she praises him, the more he's going to cherish her, but that praise should be sincere. Libra has a sixth sense and can tell someone is you're going through the motions.
Libra Men Like Attractive Mates
It's true that Libra has an eye for beauty, and he loves collecting beautiful things. He wants his lover to be beautiful, so she needs to make sure she continues to take care with her appearance. If she begins to neglect herself, Libra is going to take that as a sign that she is losing interest in him. Some men get upset if their wives overspend on clothes or other personal items. Libra's partner will never hear him complain when she spins out of the bedroom with her latest fashion find. He'll be too busy admiring how the light is hitting her just right so that she appears to have a halo glowing about her. He'll be dazzled that her new dress accentuates the luscious curves of her hips, and he'll whisk her away to the hottest spot in the city to show he off.
Best Zodiac Sign Compatibility for Libra Man
There are a few zodiac signs that are most compatible with Libra. These include another Libra, who certainly understands him. A Gemini woman intrigues Libra and is always doing something exciting and interesting. An Aquarius woman is just as eclectic as Gemini, but she isn't as hyperactive. This sets an easier pace in the relationship.
Air and Fire
All three air signs are social butterflies that enjoy entertaining, traveling, art and music, and they love to discuss just about any subject matter. Other possible matches include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Sagittarius can be mellow and loves to collect tidbits of information, so these two can spend days discussing interesting topics. Aries appreciates fine living and beauty. Unlike Libra, Aries can make a quick decision and will become the dominant one in the relationship. That's okay since Libra likes that in his mate. Aries' passion may get a little overwhelming for Libra at times, but he's sure to appreciate everything his lover does for him. Leo is always on stage and Libra will thoroughly enjoy watching his lioness strut her stuff. In fact, he'll be enchanted with her ability to woo crowds.
Libra Men Are Easy to Love
Although no relationship runs smoothly all the time, love with a Libra man definitely has a lot of wonderful aspects. He has a generous spirit and heart, and he truly wants his partner to feel loved and appreciated. When two people have that, it makes it easier to work on the rough spots.