You can find 17 clear signs that show an Aquarius man is in love with you. Each sign reveals a little about this mysterious zodiac sign and his logical and analytical mind.
1. Stops Flirting With Others
One of the first signs that an Aquarius man is in love is how he responds to others. Often flirtatious, Aquarius stops flirting with potential partners when he falls in love. He only want to be with the one he loves and no longer sees flirting as a fun past time.
2. Openly Flirts With You
While Aquarius has stopped flirting with other people, he definitely wants to flirt with you. He enjoys the art of flirting and how arouses him. Be sure you are good at flirting, so you can enjoy all his attention.
3. Pays More Attention to You
You'll find the Aquarius man pays more attention to you when he begins to fall in love with you. He'll be very attentive to what you say and will want to know more about you.
4. Seeks Your Opinion
Always inquisitive, an Aquarius man wants to know what you think. He probably didn't inquire too much before he began to fall for you, but now he will run things by you before he acts just to get your input.
5. Makes Effort to Demonstrate His Interest in You
The Aquarius man will start to show you how much you mean to him. He'll even cook you a romantic dinner to show you how much he cares, take out your trash and offer to walk your dog!

6. Showers You With Affection
In addition to the overtures of nurturing, an Aquarius man in love will shower you with affectionate kisses and hugs. However, in public, those touches are confined to a brief pat on your arm or hand on the small of your back while you walk down the street since Aquarius isn't comfortable showing any type of emotion in public.
7. Reveals Small Details About Himself
Aquarius will begin to share and reveal more sides of his personality when he falls in love. He wants to connect with his beloved and be understood.
8. Arranges Romantic Evenings
An Aquarius man wants to have romantic evenings with his new love. He'll plan out the evening with attention to each detail in an effort to ensure it's special for you.
9. Plans Adventures With You
Aquarius wants to include his new love in exploring new places. This can be something as simple as an antic shop, a picturesque mountaintop restaurant or a weekend on a tropical island.
10. Shares His Favorite Places
Signs that an Aquarius man is in love includes his need to share things with his newfound love. This means taking you to some of his favorite places. This can be something as simple as his favorite taco stand or it could be a place that holds special memories, such as a mountain cabin where his family spent vacations.
11. Admits He's Fascinated by You
Aquarius isn't one to trust easily and will first be your friend before being vulnerable enough to be your lover. One of the first signs that he's in love with you is an admission of his feelings. He'll comment something more abstract than love by telling you how fascinating he finds you. He will shower you with compliments and tell you how much he admires you.
12. Deep Conversations
Aquarius is very interested in your mind and wants to know how you think. More importantly, he wants to know how you feel about various topics, such as spiritual ideals, your thoughts on esoteric subjects, and even politics. The unusual and unique intrigue him and he wants a partner who is equally curious.

13. Concern About Your Welfare
An Aquarius man in love first shows signs by showing a concern about your welfare. If you work long hours, he'll worry about you overworking and not getting enough rest or proper meals. He'll even bring meals to you when you work late or drop by unexpectedly with a takeout lunch order.
14. Takes an Interest in Your Cause
If you have a pet cause or charity that you're involved in, he'll quickly join you. Aquarius loves to take on a good cause. It makes him feel as though he's contributing something with his live with a goal to make the world a better place.
15. Sends You Love Notes and Messages
Aquarius prefers subtle ways of conveying his love to you instead of a grandstanding confession. He'll opt for sending you a cute or romantic card. He likes to be unique, so you may receive handwritten love notes and you'll certain receive text messages that are flirty and suggestive of his feelings.

16. Gives You Unexpected Small Gifts
For Aquarius, it's all about showing you how he feels so he doesn't have to tell you. After all, you should be able to tell exactly how he feels by his actions. This will includes, various small gifts. It can be something as simple as your favorite pastry, candy bar or a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Be sure to lavish praise and gratitude for his consider gestures so he knows you've received his message of love.
17. Listens and Doesn't Judge You
An Aquarius man in love listen to what you say even when you think he isn't paying attention. He's tuned in to you and each nuance that reveals more about your inner self. If something is bothering you, he'll sit patiently listening to you vent and will be supportive, never judging you. He'll only offer his opinion or advice when you ask.
Exploring the Signs of an Aquarius Man in Love
You can explore the signs of an Aquarius man in love to see how many match your experience. Just keep in mind that he is ruled by logic and his intellect and some signs may be more subtle than others.