A Capricorn man seems interested in you and now you're looking for a few simple ways to make him as obsessed with you as you are him. The good news is you can bewitch a Capricorn man to have a sizzling need to be with you.
1. Show Capricorn You're Down to Earth and Hard Working
You can learn how to make Capricorn man obsessed with you by appealing to his work ethic instincts. The Capricorn man has an undying work ethic that comes with a sense of duty to his fellow workers. He is ambitious and knows where he's headed since he's mapped out his career since the day he graduated college. Let him see that you have a genuine matching work ethic and dedication to your career. His opinion of you will quickly be elevated to one of intense admiration.
2. Let Him See Your Life Is Stable and Complete
A Capricorn man looks for someone who is their own person. He wants you to have a career, friends, be involved in your community, support local charities, and enjoy sharing your life with others. He expects you to have your own opinions about life and any subject matter.
Entice Him With Your Independence
If you have this kind of full stable life and have formed logical opinions based on your experiences, share this with him. Capricorn is going to be openly impressed! He'll appreciate your independence and confidence. When you have successes, tell him about them with enthusiasm. He'll be the first to congratulate you and encourage you to continue your path.
3. Establish Your Financial Security
Capricorn doesn't spend his money easily. He is more focused on accumulating a very large, gold nest egg. He has a diversified portfolio and strictly follows his investment strategy. Discuss finances with him and talk about your investments and what you do to save money.

Display a Thrifty Attitude While Saving Money
If you're naturally thrifty and have a practical approach to finances, explain your methods for spending and saving. He's going to see dollar signs when he looks at you! That doesn't mean he wants your money. It simply means he understands what it takes to achieve financial security, and nothing pleases him more than the stability that accumulated wealth brings with it.
4. Be Practical With an Organized Life
One of the driving forces behind a Capricorn man is his pragmatic approach to everything he does. He is driven by logic and the need for an organization. This is seen in everything he does. His life is very organized down to what he wears and when he wears it.
Make Your Priorities Mirror His
If you have set routines that you never break, explain to him you can't go for coffee until you've finished your morning chores. If you just spent the day reorganizing your closet by gathering a bag of clothes for Goodwill, tell him about your methods for deciding what stays and what goes. He'll be enamored of your discipline. In fact, he'll tell you how much he approves of your dedication to keeping up with things and not allowing them to get out of control.
5. Tell Him You Prefer Staying In
Capricorn is naturally home life oriented. You won't find a Capricorn man out partying all hours of the night. He isn't going to let loose and go crazy - ever! At least not in public. He might in the privacy of his own home where he feels safe and protected. Tell him that you enjoy social gatherings, but you don't like to party. Explain how you enjoy staying in and watching a movie or reading a good book. When he realizes you share this homebody preference, he is going to be ecstatic over having this in common!
6. Don't Display Affection in Public
Capricorn finds a needy person a big turn off almost as much as he does anyone who displays their affections in public! You should save displays of affection for private times and places. Capricorn has a great poker face. He'll never display his emotions in public. If you are angry, tamp it down and instead of a tirade of admonishment, sit down and discuss what you're feeling with him. He'll melt in front of you.
Don't Act Needy
Show him that you don't need anyone else to feel worthy or complete. He wants you to be self-contained and not need him in order to function or live. Expose your independence with your actions. If he's away on a trip, continue with your normal routine and when he calls let him know you miss him, but then tell him about all the things you've been doing. He's going to fall in love with you!
7. Don't Wait for Him to Call
Remember that a Capricorn man wants you to have your own life. That means you should never wait for him to call you. Instead, you should go out and live your life the way you were before you met him. Being unavailable isn't playing games, it's just a reality when you have a full life.

Light a Fire Under the Sea Goat
When Capricorn realizes you aren't hanging around pining over him, he's going to step up his game. He'll shake off his passive nature of wanting to take things as slow as molasses. He'll quickly realize you might not be available when he finally gets around to asking you out. In fact, you may discover how this can make a Capricorn man become obsessed with you.
8. Let Him in On Your Plans
Capricorn isn't a sign comfortable with spontaneity. Everything must be planned out to the ninth degree. Share your plans with him. If you're making plans for big changes, such as buying a condo or a new car, tell him about them. Let him in on your research, and how you derived at your decision which one was best. He will be gaga over you. If you genuinely can't undertake something new without planning it out, then share this with him. If you are a list person, let him see your lists, he'll be beside himself and might even show a little excitement, however brief.
9. Spend Time Getting to Know Him
A Capricorn man doesn't like to jump into relationships. He must first get to know you and understand what makes you tick. You need to adopt this attitude and spend time asking him questions that show you are genuinely interested in getting to know who he is. If you take the time to be his friend first, you'll discover he reciprocates and will be intrigued with a need to get to know you better.
10. Always Dress Your Best and Be Well-Groomed
It may sound silly, but being well-groomed is something of a turn on for Capricorn. If you want this man to take notice, you need to look your very best every time you meet him. To Capricorn, this demonstrates how much you value yourself and in turn will value him. He can rest assured that you will always be striving to put your best foot forward the same way he does.
How You Can Make a Capricorn Man Obsessed With You
There are several simple ways that you can try to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you. Capricorn appreciates honesty, so if you don't possess some of these traits, don't attempt to fool him. He will see right through you.