It can be a little tricky when it comes to knowing if a Virgo is romantically interested in you. They don't make hasty decisions especially when it comes to getting out of or involved in a romantic relationship. Virgos normally don't let anyone too close, but when they fall for someone, they fall hard. Patience is key when you're interested in a Virgo.
A Virgo Likes to Take Things Slow
Although a Virgo can be attracted to and have feelings for you, they're often reluctant to act on those emotions and will remain cautious until they're certain their feelings are real. They'll take time to reflect on their experiences with you, soak in your conversations, and process their feeling before they tell you how they feel. Virgos need time to overcome their insecurities and grow comfortable with you.
Signs to Look For
A typical Virgo is incredibly organized, responsible, conscientious, and can obsess over the tiniest of details. They don't like people probing their mind and they can be difficult to get to know because they're so guarded. However, once they know they can trust you and you meet their high standards, they'll begin opening up to you.
They'll Notice Small Things
You'll start noticing that they pay close attention to you and to the things you like. When a Virgo pays close attention to the small things you love and notices details about you that others miss, it's noteworthy. Virgos are experts at showing their love in the small ways that can spoil you.
They'll Want to Know the Real You
If you notice a Virgo digging deeper to understand your dreams, passions, and desires, it's a sign that they're truly interested in you. The more a Virgo trusts you the more they want to get past the small talk and into a real conversation that lets them see your soul.
They'll Become Vulnerable
Virgos usually keep a lot of things to themselves, they even feel a slight hesitancy about telling their family and friends what bothers them about their work or personal life. However, if a Virgo likes someone romantically, they want to form a special connection and they'll open up, become vulnerable, and tell you what's really in their hearts; why they're happy, sad, or depressed, and their secret goals and aspirations.
They'll Step Out of Their Comfort Zone
Virgos are into orderly routines, dislike crowds, and love their quiet time alone. But when a Virgo is either falling for you or in love with you, they will step outside of their comfort zone, sacrifice their wants for yours, and do whatever they can to make you happy. Seeing you happy is enough to make them happy even if it goes against their nature.
A Virgo in Love
Virgos don't run after romance and are not quick to fall in love, and when they do the feelings can at first overwhelm them. Yes, they are careful, cautious and worry about being hurt, but if you become the lucky person on the receiving end of their love, be prepared to be adored, idealized, protected, spoiled, and lavished with gifts and attention. There's no one as tender, caring, giving, and attentive as a Virgo in love. Plus, they are a good bet for a long-term relationship.
Venus and Mars
While the Sun gives a clue as to how a Virgo shows they like you, Venus and Mars are the planets most associated with love (Venus) and sex (Mars). They are the motivating factors that draw you into intimate relationships. Together they explain how you attract and actively seek out intimate relationships. While the Sun can give clues as to how a Virgo shows they like you, Venus and Mars, as well as your own Sun sign, do make a difference.