As carefree, open, and friendly as Sagittarians are, they do have some negative aspects to their personality. They can be tactless and vociferous bores, and when their mind is in flight, which it usually is, they can be laughably klutzy. If there's a Sagittarian in your life, it helps if you have a sense of humor and are not easily offended or excited.
A Sagittarian can be awkward and clumsy, not only physically but also socially. Archers often pay little attention to what they're saying, where they're going, or what or who is around them. They're constantly tripping over things, including their tongue. In short, they are prone to lose touch with the moment and have one foot caught in a bucket and the other lodged firmly in their overly active mouths.

Known to be absent-minded, daily life for many Sagittarians can be a complete muddle. Their personal space may always be messy, and they seldom put anything where it can be easily found. Then when they need something, they go frantically scavenging about, yelling, and calling themselves names while making an even greater mess. Their absent-mindedness also means they forget appointments or are late, which can be frustrating and inconvenient for others.
The wild nature of Sagittarians often means they refuse to conform to day-to-day social conventions and expectations. They're rebellious and original in their thinking and behavior, which can sometimes make them seem a bit weird, comical, or shocking to folks who are more proper and conventional.
Being mouthy and tactless is a major negative Sagittarian trait. Most Sagittarians won't think twice about telling others how to live their lives and are prone to say exactly what they're thinking without considering how another person might take it. They also can ask nosey, embarrassing, and sometimes offensive questions, and their blatant honesty can be hurtful and offensive to others.
A Sagittarian can be a difficult know-it-all who won't listen to reason or take advice from anyone. When Sags go off on one of their hardheaded "know-it-all" or "I'll do it my way" tangents, they can pontificate for hours delivering a preachy, intellectual discourse that's full of rants and raves and not even notice that eyes have glazed over.
Another negative trait of Sagittarians is that they are prone to be irresponsible and self-centered, impulsive and impatient, and lacking in self-discipline. They're also quick to run away from unpleasant situations, obligations, or responsibilities and are known to quit in the middle of what they are doing if something better or more fun comes along. All of this leads some people to consider them undependable.
Short Tempered

Probably the most negative aspect of a Sagittarian's nature is that these people are hot-headed and quick-tempered. Their temper can erupt over even the most trivial matters and when it does, they use words to attack and can come on so quick and strong they're frightening. Then, just as quickly as they get mad, they're over it.
Dealing With a Sagittarian
Sagittarians are seldom malicious, but not everyone can deal with their bombastic, careless, and mouthy nature. However, those who can are in for a treat because regardless of their negative qualities, a Sagittarian friend or lover can be the most fun and interesting person you'll have in your life.
More Than a Sagittarian
All Sagittarians have the potential for what's written above, but it's important to remember that in addition to the Sun, there is the Moon, the ascendant, numerous planets, and other points, as well as the 12 signs and 12 houses an individual's horoscope. Any of these can magnify, mitigate, or even nullify the negative aspects of any Sun sign. To be clear, Sagittarians are never as simple as their Sun sign alone.