What does it mean to be born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp? It means you're a Capricorn who's on the verge of entering uncharted territory, the visionary and futuristic world of Aquarius.
Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp Dates
Generally, if you were born between January 17-20, you're a Capricorn born on Capricorn-Aquarius cusp. However, the only way you can know for sure is to calculate your timed birth chart. If when your Sun is on the 27th, 28th, or 29th degree of Capricorn, you were born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp. Some astrologers consider the first three days the Sun is in a new sign as being on the cusp, but if you understand the astrological Decans, you'll know why being born when the Sun is at the beginning of Aquarius is very different.
Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp: Mystery and Imagination
The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp is said to be the cusp of mystery and imagination. This is where the practical, conservative, and hardworking Capricorn nature meets with the intellectual, forward-thinking, and idealistic nature of Aquarius. It's where practical application meets intellect and vision. Metaphorically, you can think of this as a successful businessman sitting next to and conversing with a scientist at a dinner party and being seeded with new futuristic ideas.
Planetary Influences
The influence of the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, gives the Capricorn-Aquarius personality a feeling of duty and responsibility, but Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius, adds innovation and unpredictability. Those born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp can appear sensible and reasonable (Saturn) one moment and erratic and uncontrolled the next (Uranus.)
Capricorn-Aquarius Personality Traits
This cusp often creates Capricorns who are uncharacteristically wild, witty, and talkative. These are Capricorns who are prone to light bulb moments, are seldom at a loss for words, and seem to generate excitement wherever they go.
- Strengths: brilliant, ambitious, productive, creative, and entertaining, as well as youthful and idealistic
- Weaknesses: emotionally detached, selfish, aloof, critical, and judgmental - some are even regarded as weird crackpots

Controversial Viewpoints
Those born on this cusp can be conservative or radical, but whatever their leanings, their viewpoints tend to be controversial, stimulating, and often delivered dramatically.
Interested in Humanity
Capricorn-Aquarius creates a "think it - do it" personality that feels responsible for the poor and downtrodden. They are individuals who will contribute money, time, and energy to helping the less fortunate. But at the same time, they have little sympathy for freeloaders who refuse to pull their own weight.
Idealistic and Imaginative
Even the most conventional person born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp is idealistic with an active imagination. They are inventive and everyday situations can be like a springboard for the often bizarre mental gymnastics going on in their head.

Inspiring Story Tellers
A Capricorn-Aquarius can also be an inspiring storyteller. Unlike the typical stoic and quiet Capricorn, these are Capricorns who know how to engage and entertain their listeners.
Famous People Born on the Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp
The famous individuals below characterize Capricorn-Aquarius personality traits.
Muhammad Ali
Born January 17, 1942, Muhammad Ali was a boxing legend, but it was his silver tongue and verbal sparring that made him a global superstar in many other arenas.
Janice Joplin
Janice Joplin, born January 19, 1943, characterizes the vivacious, impulsive, and wild nature of many Capricorns born on the cusp of Aquarius.
Federico Fellini
Italian film director and screenwriter, Federico Fellini, born January 20, 1920, had a unique style that blended fantasy and imagination with earthiness.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., born January 17, 1954, is the son of Robert F. Kennedy. He is an environmental lawyer and a prominent anti-vaccine activist.
Vidal Sassoon
Born January 17, 1928, Vidal Sassoon was the charismatic hairdresser who changed hairstyling forever when he blended structure with innovation by emphasizing precision scissor cuts and stark geometric angles.
Kid Rock
Kid Rock, born January 17, 1971, is a singer-songwriter, rapper, and musician who has been embroiled in many controversies that were sparked by his vulgar lyrics and language, wild style, and controversial, in your face, viewpoints.
Zooey Deschanel
Born January 17, 1980, Zooey Deschanel is an American actress who is best known for her role as the quirky and weird Jess in the sitcom New Girl.
Jim Carrey
On January 17, 1962, Jim Carrey is a comedian who's best known for his performances in wild, offbeat performances in films such as Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, and The Truman Show.
Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp Compatibility
Generally, when a Capricorn is born on the cusp of Aquarius, they're likely to be the most compatible with the Sun signs that are compatible with Aquarius and the other Air signs due to their open-minded and adventurous nature.
Capricorn-Aquarius and the Progressed Sun
Cusps are important because of the progressed Sun. The progressed Sun is an extension of your birth Sun and shows how you mature and grow. Your progressed Sun moves forward one degree each year from the day of your birth. So, if you are born with the Sun on the cusp of Capricorn-Aquarius, by the time you were 2 or 3 years old, your processed Sun moved into Aquarius, and you spend the next 30 years of your life combining Aquarius traits into your evolving Capricorn personality.
Interpreting the Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps
It's easy to understand what a cusp is and how being born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp might affect a person. However, when you're born on a cusp, you're a paradoxical mix. Its impact on your personality can be best understood by receiving an analysis of your entire birth chart by a competent astrologer who considers your history, the positions of all the planets, their aspects, and influences.