Aquarius colors energize and uplift those born under this zodiac sign. Blue is the main power color for Aquarius.
Discovering Aquarius Colors to Energize and Uplift
The blue colors for Aquarius include electric blue, aquamarine, turquoise, and violet. White is also associated with Aquarius. Each color value has specific attributes that Aquarius may find energizing or uplifting.
Why Blue Is the Color for Aquarius
The Aquarius color blue is the same as the sign's ruling blue planet, the gas giant Uranus. The color energizes with the same power as the ruling planet.
Electric Blue Charged Energy
The most prominent Aquarius color is electric blue. This blue color is also the most popular choice for Aquarius. It's charged with restless energies like the gas planet Uranus. This value of blue imbues Aquarius with powerful personal energy. This energy drives Aquarius with confidence and purpose, making it extremely powerful.

Aquamarine Calming Energy
The color aquamarine is a calming color and is often a favorite Aquarius color. It provides the soothing energy Aquarius often needs to settle down and finally relax. This color is ideal to focus on during meditation and making spiritual connections.

Turquoise for Emotional Balance
The turquoise color generates a feeling of inspiration that can fuel creative endeavors. This tranquil color can also help reduce stressful energies. Aquarius can benefit from the turquoise energy that conveys problem-solving properties. The turquoise color makes an excellent meditation color that promotes self-awareness for Aquarians with its mystical blue.

Energizing Violet Color
Amethyst is a violet/purple crystal that is attuned to Aquarian energies. Violet is an energetic color that mirrors those of the gemstone amethyst. This color can be used to replenish the energies Aquarius generously expends without thought.

White for Intuition Energies
Breaking away from blues, white is one Aquarius color that draw attention since it is so different. White is the color of intuition and of course purity. These energies are vital Aquarius's well-being.
Aquarius' Lucky Colors
Aquamarine, electric blue, and violet are the major lucky colors for Aquarius. These colors can be used when Aquarius needs to feel lucky. These colors can be worn or used in home and office decors. Aquarius may decide to wear amethyst jewelry to bolster your luck energy or place in your home or office.
Aquarius Colors for Apparel
Aquarius can wear any of the associated colors to take advantage of the color energies. Colors can be combined for a double dose of power.
- Electric blue can be when you have an important meeting or other type of high-profile engagement.
- Aquamarine is the wardrobe color to wear when you need calming energies.
- Turquoise is an ideal clothing choice for meditation, yoga exercises or spiritual contemplation.
- Violet is an excellent color choice for any creative undertaking or high-energy activity.
- White is a color Aquarians may don whenever needing a reassuring energy that gives a feeling of peace and health.

Aquarius Colors for Home and Office Décors
Aquarius can use the colors associated with its sign to imbue subtle energies in the home and office decors. The properties of each color are appropriate for most rooms in the home.
- Electric blue can be a power color for a décor, especially a modern or coastal themed room.
- Aquamarine is an excellent relaxing color for a bedroom and living room. It's an excellent choice for a cottage themed room.
- Turquoise is an excellent color for any room where concentration is needed, such as an office or meditation or yoga room. It fits well in a southwest themed room.
- Violet is the perfect color for a workout room, home office or study. Pale or deep violet colors can be used for traditional and contemporary styles.
- White is always a good choice for any room since it imbues the feeling of purity and peace. White complements any room theme or style.

Decorating Ideas With Aquarius Colors
Aquarius can use aquamarine for walls colors and white as an accent color. Other values of blue can be layered into the room design through the use of draperies, upholstery patterns, decorative rugs, and accessories.
Other Personal Uses of Aquarius Colors
There are many uses for Aquarius colors beyond apparel and décor. For example, Aquarius may use the blue colors in cosmetics, such as eye shadow, hair highlights, and hair ornaments. Blue jewelry is another way Aquarius can use these powerful colors and their energies.
Using Aquarius Colors to Energize and Uplift
Aquarians can use their associated colors to tap into emotional and spiritual energies. These colors can further uplift and provide calming or energizing properties.