The natural sign of the 11th house is Aquarius. Its natural rulers are the planet Uranus and the planet Saturn. It's a fixed (succedent) house and represents an area of your life where you look to the future. Open the door to the 11th house and you'll find detached or impersonal relationships, humanitarian and philanthropic enterprises, clubs, and groups, as well as your business connections, spheres of influence, and the rewards derived from the ambitions of the tenth house.
Your 11th House Cusp
All 12 astrological signs are represented in every individual's birth chart. Each planet is in a sign and there is a sign on the cusp of each of the 12 houses. There are sign cusps and house cusps. These are the lines that separate one sign or house from another in a horoscope. Related to house cusps, there are many "House systems" which means the cusps of the houses can vary by degree (even by sign) according to the system used, but without a birth time, your house cusps cannot be determined. Café Astrology has a free birth astrological house system report that allows you to find the sign on the cusp of your 11th house in the various house systems.
Sign on the Cusp of Your 11th House
The 11th house is where you collaborate, network, and work with others for the advancement of a cause. The sign on the cusp of the 11th defines the way that you act, the role you can best play and what you have to offer in group endeavors. It also speaks of the types of groups, organizations, clubs, teams, "tribes", careers, etc. you're drawn to in order to achieve your long-term hopes, wishes, and ambitions for yourself and for the collective as well as your commitment to and contributions to group efforts.
Aries on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Aries on the Cusp of the 11th, you have a strong desire to champion causes and are drawn to groups that fight on behalf of the masses. Your gift in group endeavors is your ability to recruit new members, lead, and inspire others.

Taurus on the Cusp of 11th
With Taurus on Cusp of the 11th, you're drawn to epicurean groups, art groups, or groups that are involved in preserving nature. Your gift in group endeavors is your calming and steadying influence and your fund-raising abilities.
Gemini on Cusp of the 11th
If you have Gemini on Cusp of the 11th, you're drawn to be part of a group that is dedicated to the study, preservation, and dissemination of information. Your gift to any group you're involved with is your ability to multi-task, network, promote, and share information that benefits your social sphere.
Cancer on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Cancer on the Cusp of the 11th, you're drawn to organizations dedicated to the protection of children or feeding the homeless, etc. Your gift to the groups you're involved with is your compassion for others as well as your ability to create a family atmosphere in group endeavors.

Leo on the Cusp of the 11th
With Leo on the cusp or the 11th, you're drawn to groups that work on behalf of the performing arts. Your gift to any group or organization is your inspiring confidence, diplomacy, and generosity as well as your ability to make powerful connections with influential people.
Virgo on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Virgo on the 11th, you're drawn to health-conscious groups or the labor movement. Your gift to any organization or group is your critical eye, your ability to ask detailed questions, and realistically determine how to achieve the desired result.
Libra on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Libra on the 11th, you're drawn to humanitarian organizations that work for peace and equality. Your gift to any group is your ability to play mediator between friends and associates, encourage cooperation, and moderate groups meetings.
Scorpio on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Scorpio on the 11th, you're drawn to secret or paranormal societies and other groups the delve into the mysteries of life. Your gift to these groups is your loyalty and quiet strength, as well as your ability to investigate, dig deep, and work hard to make things happen.

Sagittarius on the Cusp of the 11th
With Sagittarius on the 11th, you're drawn to religious, philosophical, travel or sporting groups and are very active and supportive of group endeavors. Your gift to any group or organization is your open-mindedness, optimism, and your ability to make friends from all walks of life.
Capricorn on the Cusp of the 11th
With Capricorn on the 11th, you're drawn to traditional clubs and professional organizations. Your gift to any group is your awareness of rules and limits, your quiet dignity, your executive abilities and your willingness to take on responsibilities.
Aquarius on the Cusp of the 11th
If you have Aquarius on the 11th, you have a desire to be part of a movement that's involved in a higher cause and are drawn to group efforts for the betterment of the community as well as organizations involved in social reform. Your gift to any group is your openness and tolerance of other's ideas and innovations.
Pisces on the Cusp of the 11th
With Pisces on the Cusp of the 11th, you're drawn to spiritual, mystical, meditation, victims' groups or even film buff or photography clubs. Your gift to any group you're involved with is your willingness to work on behalf of a group or cause selflessly.

The 11th House and Money
As a derivative house, the 11th house is the second house (possessions and attitudes towards money) to the 10th house (business, status, and career.) In this context, the 11th answers questions related to financial gains through business and career. The Sun in the 11th house can bring financial gain through your group associations. The planet Venus and the planet Jupiter placed in the 11th are considered very good in terms of financial gains from your 10th house business or career. However, much depends on the aspects they make to other planets in your horoscope.
Interpreting the 11th House
Of course, your 11th house is much more complicated than the sign on the cusp. There are many other things an astrologer takes into consideration when interpreting your 11th house. Among them are:
- The ruler of the sign on the cusp of the 11th and its position by sign, house, and the aspects it makes to other planets
- Planets found in the 11th and the aspects they make up other planets and points
When astrologers conduct a reading, they consider all this and more. To get the full story of your 11th house, you should schedule a personal consultation with a professional astrologer, but you can look for clues yourself by calculating your own birth chart at Astro Seeker.
Other 11th House Affiliations
The 11th house can speak of many things depending on the astrological discipline.
Mundane Astrology
In Mundane Astrology, among other things, the 11th house speaks of allies of the country, institutions of the government such as local governments, senates, and other legislative bodies.
Medical Astrology
In Medical Astrology, the body parts governed by the 11th house include calf and ankles.
Classical Astrology
In Classical Astrology, the 11th house is called the "Bona Fortuna" ("Good Fortune") and the "House of Good Spirit."
The Power of Collective Creation
To be a good friend, citizen, worker, or boss you often have to make a selfless commitment to some group or ideal for the betterment of all. At its most basic, the 11th is the house of a natal chart that represents philanthropy, humanitarianism, and the power of collective creation. Your greatest success and joy in life could be in finding an 11th house "tribe" that welcomes the gifts you contribute to the joint effort.