Saturn, the Lord of Karma, governs time, commitment, rules, discipline, and structure. Saturn turns retrograde (Rx) each year and spends four-plus months moving backward. Saturn's retrograde times can be compared to a loving parent giving their child a time-out to review and reflect on their past behavior.
Transiting Saturn Retrograde
Each year, as Saturn in the sky slows down to a stop and then appears to move backward, people begin to feel the weight of their responsibilities and experience a temporary lack of energy and motivation. They encounter delays and roadblocks and begin to review the "could haves, would haves, and should haves" of the past and have the opportunity to reflect on their responsibilities and commitments, correct errors, work out their grievances with others, and make things right. You could say that each year when Saturn transits Rx, it's time for a reality check.
Saturn Rx times are best used to:
- Reflect
- Renegotiate
- Restructure
- Solidify and strengthen
- Recommit
Personalizing Transiting Saturn Retrograde
If you don't have your birth chart with transits, you can get it free at AstroSeek.com. When you look at your birth chart, you'll see it's sliced into 12 sections. Each section is called a house, and each house represents an area of life and its activities. The house that transiting Saturn Rx is moving through will be the area of life and the activities that are up for review in your life.

First House
If Saturn is Rx in your first house, your body, appearance, physical vitality, and the impression you make on others come into question. As an example, this could be a time when you vow to get serious about losing weight.
Second House
If Saturn is Rx in your Second house, your finances, possessions, how you earn money or your self-worth come into question. For example, this could be when you consider making plans to financially secure your future.
Third House
If Saturn is Rx in your third house, you could question issues with siblings, your neighborhood, or how you can get your ideas across more effectively. For example, this could be when you consider taking a class in public speaking or creative writing.
Fourth House
If Saturn Rx is in your fourth house, issues about your living situation, home, parents, or family, in general, come into question. As an example, this might be a time when you reflect on your relationship with a parent and how it affects your current home and family.
Fifth House
If Saturn Rx is in your fifth house, issues related to children, sex, or creative pursuits can be questioned. As an example, it might be a time when you consider joining a little theater group.
Sixth House
If Saturn Rx is in your sixth house, issues related to your health, daily, or subordinates can come into question. For example, this could be when health concerns lead you to live a healthier lifestyle.
Seventh House
When Saturn Rx is in your seventh house, your attitudes and behavior in relationships with your mate or partners come into question. As an example, this could be a time when you decide to get married or when you decide to break up.
Eighth House
When transiting Saturn Rx is in your eighth house, issues involving taxes, debt, inheritance, and life insurance may come up. As an example, this could be a time when your income taxes are audited.
Ninth House
If transiting Saturn Rx is in your ninth house, issues regarding foreign travel, higher education, religion, philosophy, or beliefs could be questioned. As an example, this could be a time when you consider furthering your education.
Tenth House
If transiting Saturn Rx is in your tenth house, issues with your life's direction, reputation, career, or superiors could be questioned. As an example, this could be a time when you consider changing careers.
Eleventh House
If transiting Saturn Rx is in your eleventh house, you can begin questioning the allies, groups, and social movements you choose to associate with. For example, you can start to feel like an outsider and consider moving on to a different social circle.
Twelfth House
If transiting Saturn Rx is in your twelfth house, your spiritual life and inner world may be called into question. As an example, this could be a time when you want to be alone to confront your self-sabotaging behaviors.
Natal Saturn Retrograde
About 38 out of 100 people have Saturn Rx in their birth chart. These are the most responsible people in the world because they hate to let anyone down.
Saturn Rx in a birth chart can suggest:
- Feelings of guilt, anxiety, and self-doubt
- Anxiety and fear of making a mistake
- A distorted sense of boundaries
- A late bloomer
Natal Saturn Rx and Father
Saturn Rx in a birth chart suggests an impaired, dysfunctional, absent, or some unusual relationship with the father (authority figure). In one way or another, authority was lacking in childhood, and as a result, the person became their own authority. However, because so many people are born with Saturn Rx, it's a good idea to consider an individual's entire birth chart before jumping to a negative conclusion.
Natal Saturn Retrograde and Karma
Individuals with Saturn Rx in their natal chart are often considered wise "old souls" who have learned much through many lifetimes of responsibility. Their life's lesson in this current life is to understand that they are not responsible for everything and that life should not be all work and no play. If you have Saturn Rx in your birth chart, your primary lesson in this lifetime is to learn how to relax and have some fun.
When You Know Better, You Do Better
Saturn Rx, both natality and by transit, allows an individual time to see their mistakes and correct their errors. The Saturn Rx process is about learning, growing, maturing, and doing better.