The best 15 careers choices for the practical, business-minded Capricorn include ones that require logical thinking, planning and creating strategies. From an accountant to a scientist, the range of possibilities capture the sea goat's imagination.
1. Accountant
Accounting offers Capricorn an excellent career choice. You possess a logical mind and approach everything through the lenses of practicality. Accounting methodology offers you a structured framework that you can use to organize clients' finances. You can provide them with a way to see their expenses/assets so they can keep track of money flow and make informed financial decisions.
2. Analyst
Capricorn finds a career as an analyst very gratifying. This position allows you to evaluate and determine results based on logic and data. You may choose between various types of analyst positions, such as insurance actuary, business analyst for companies, cost estimator for products or projects, or investment companies to determine the best investment trends. Other positions available for analysts include market and economic research positions.

3. Architect
Capricorn's burning ambition is often appeased with a career as an architect. You can combine your love for math, order and structure with your love for transforming your creative thought processes into physical shapes and forms, such as office buildings, apartment/condo complexes or individual homes. You derive great satisfaction in leaving your mark on cities with new building designs. If your ambitions aren't quite so grandiose, you can find designing homes very gratifying, especially when you design an entire housing development.
4. Creative Director
The typical Capricorn will find the career of a creative director exciting and challenging. You may take a career with an advertising/marketing company. You are confident in your abilities and enjoy the planning of ad campaigns, directing the content for eCommerce website. You excel in giving presentations to potential clients and enjoy the powerful position of shaping company brands.

5. Entrepreneur
Capricorn has the needed drive and ambition to be self-employed. You don't discourage easily, since you have a powerful determination to succeed. Your decision to become a business owner is based on data, facts, and meticulous research. You create a thorough and precise business plan with market and financial projections. The type of business you select may be real estate office, startup funding company, financial planning service, or marketing firm.
6. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
For the highly ambitious Capricorn that craves power, rising to the top of a corporation as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is an ideal career goal. Capricorn has perseverance and is a planner from day one. You will quickly assess the company and map out your career path by the time you are through your new employee orientation. You are patient and willing to climb up through the corporate ladder always with your eye on the grand prize of being the head honcho as the CEO. You'll excel in the decision-making duties and managing the company operations.

7. Financial Planner
A financial planner career appeases your innate need to help others. You take care of a family's finances or secure the livelihoods of corporate employees by ensuring the company has a solid financial foundation. You find gratification in providing logical and workable solutions for their budgeting challenges. You use your logical thinking skills to create various financial plans for cutting expenses, investing and saving money.
8. Healthcare Professional
Capricorn is a natural caregiver/helper. You enjoy helping others, especially when you can create a positive change in their lives. Pursuing a healthcare profession will give you an immense sense of satisfaction. Your interaction with clients/patients and knowing you have helped them become healthier can be a driving motivation to become a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional.

9. Human Resources Manager
A human resources manager (HR manager) has a unique opportunity to be the face of the company. You serve employees, but also provide a necessary bridge between employees and management. This type of career may appeal to Capricorn since the HR manager is responsible for all aspects of employment, such as administration of company practices and policies, and evaluating and implementing human resources programs. You'll enjoy the opportunity to plan and organize your company's activities. Depending on the size of the company, you may be a hands-on manager, or you may have a large staff that you direct and delegate your duties.
10. Supply Chain Manager
Capricorn will excel in a supply chain manager position. You enjoy the musical chairs that logistics and organizing offers you. You have a knack for quickly evaluating and analyzing fluid situations and making correct decisions to remedy bottlenecks, time lags and delayed supplies. You will find this challenging career enjoyable and will thrive as you put your own stamp on it.

11. IT Manager
An IT (Information Technology) manager oversees and coordinates all computer-related needs and activities within a company. You'll enjoy planning and organizing various systems to meet current and future IT needs. You'll be able to fully utilize your problem-solving skills and have the satisfaction of implementing your solutions to see your plans come to fruition.
12. Physical Therapist
Helping others achieve healing through physical therapy or at the least improve physically is a good career choice for Capricorn. You'll be in charge of your patients' therapy and will assess their current condition, where they need to be at the end of therapy and create a plan of action to ensure they achieve the final results. Your social skills will aid you as you work directly with your clients/patients and offer them encouragement and adjustments to their therapy as needed.

13. Productivity Consultant
A productivity consultant is often called a time management or time efficiency expert. Capricorn thoroughly enjoys taking any kind of chaos and transforming it into an organized system. Most issues of time management can be addressed with the right kind of organizational method. Capricorn enjoys going into situations or companies that have productivity issues where you analyze and study each of the processes. You can then make a determination and offer actionable solutions for more productive processes and time management techniques.
14. Scientist
Capricorn has the mind of a scientist. Your logical thinking provides you with good analytical skills that are vital to a scientist. You possess good research skills and can quickly assess data and the needed steps to quantify your findings. You are a super problem-solver, a skill vital for any field of scientific research and development.

15. Teacher
Capricorn's need to help others extends to children. You recognize the value children have for the future and how important it is that young minds be stimulated and expanded. You can make a difference in the next generation through your compassion and desire to help children to grow into logical thinking individuals. You can inspire and teach your students critical thinking skills that will aid them throughout life. You'll find a teaching or other education career very rewarding as you watch your students grow and become valuable members of society.
Top Capricorn Careers Utilize Logic and Personality Traits
Capricorn has lots of career options that tap into your zodiac attributes. The easiest way to decide which one is best for you is to examine the top 15 jobs to see if they are a good fit.