Refreshingly authentic, open and charming, Ms. Maria DeSimone is making quite a name for herself in the world of astrology. Through her website, Insightful Astrology.com, Maria combines the ancient knowledge of astrology with today's cutting edge technology.
The end result is a full multi-media website that provides useful information and amazing insights, all coupled with the astrologer's characteristic candor; a trait that continues to endear her to many.
Maria DeSimone and Astrology
LTK: Maria, when did you first become interested in astrology?
Ms. DeSimone: Although I always had an interest in astrology, it wasn't until I was 29 years old that it became more. I decided to write a novel when I was 28 years old. It was completed in less than a year, and I was at a bookstore looking for books on how to obtain agent representation when I noticed a poster on the wall. It was advertising a local astrologer who was giving a lecture and free mini readings to anyone having a birthday that month. It was, in fact, my birthday month, and all I kept thinking was: "Hey, I wonder if this astrologer can tell me if my book will be published?" So I returned to the bookstore that evening with a curious and open mind.
The very first thing that came out of the astrologer's mouth was, "So, you're a writer." I almost passed out! Unfortunately, he didn't tell me that my book would be the next New York Times bestseller, but he did give me a phenomenal mini reading that captured key points of my personality. I was astounded! When I asked him how he could possibly know this about me, he graciously invited me up to the podium to look at my birth chart for the first time. I saw my birth map and all of the incomprehensible symbols, and I instantly got goose bumps all over. I knew I needed to learn everything I could about this language.
I enrolled in a certification course, and within a year I was blending my background in psychology and writing with my love of astrology. In 2005, Insightful Astrology.com was created.
Using Astrology for Growth
LTK: How can people with no specialized training use astrology to help them in their lives?
Ms. DeSimone: Well, in my opinion everyone should consult with a qualified professional astrologer to gain a thorough understanding of their birth charts and personal cycles. There is simply no substitute for this personalized experience! Other than that, watching my weekly video horoscopes for your sun sign and rising sign will give you a very good idea about the current themes unfolding in your life.
In addition, I offer a service to members of Insightful Astrology that helps even novices use astrology to help them in their daily lives. Each month, I give a personalized teleconference that covers the upcoming major astrological events or a key area of astrology that's of popular interest. During the call, I explain how everyone can use this knowledge to make more empowering decisions.
LTK: What kind of unique insights do you find you are able to provide that is different from other astrologers?
Ms. DeSimone: My goal has always been to show others that astrology is a practical, useful tool that can enhance self-development. As a counseling astrologer, I provide in-depth, healing observations to my clients that helps them transcend difficult patterns that might currently block soul growth. I have no problem going "deep" into a person's psyche.
While it's true that other astrologers have this same ability, unless you can engender trust from your client, he or she might feel intimidated or even violated by this process. What I provide is an immediate sense of trust and safety for my clients. My clients and viewers identify with me. That enables them to open up and walk with me as we penetrate right to the heart of their horoscope and psyche.
Learn Astrology
LTK: Please tell us a bit about your tele-classes. How do they work ,and can anyone join?
Ms. DeSimone: Through my website, I have my own teleconference astrology school where I teach classes from the total beginner level through advanced. I've taught hundreds of students astrology, and what sets this learning experience apart from others is that each tele-class is completely personalized. The course material, homework assignments and support are all individually tailored - every time!
Yes, anyone can join my classes - all you need to do is visit my website and click on the Tele-classes menu tab for more information. If you don't see a class you're looking for then just email me through my contact form and let me know what you'd like to learn about.
Secrets From an Astrologer
LTK: One of the features in your membership section is "Secret's From an Astrologer's Diary." The latest post deals with the incredibly personal and difficult subject of divorce and its effects on children. What prompted you to create the diary? Do you have any regrets about sharing some of the more personal aspects of your life, or do you find that it's more rewarding than anything?
Ms. DeSimone: I've always been willing to reveal myself in ways that not everyone else is comfortable with. When I started counseling others using astrology, I acknowledged with great reverence and humility that I was instantly granted enormous power. When I look at your horoscope, I'm looking straight into your soul, and I never take this lightly!
This is why I feel that I have no right to look into your soul unless I'm willing to reveal my own. As a result, I'm open about sharing my birth data and also my personal life experiences. I understand that in traditional psychotherapy settings, it's not always a good idea for a therapist to reveal too much personal information. I also understand that no other astrologer reveals himself or herself in quite the same way I do. In my case however, I feel this approach works. I need my clients to trust me because if they don't, the potential of their session will be wasted.
Remember, in traditional counseling, the therapist must wait for the patient to reveal personal information. Only then can the therapist help the patient work through any psychological obstacles. This is not the case with astrological counseling. I don't need you to tell me what your potential short circuits are - I already see them! However, this is an extremely fragile process because I not only need my clients to bring their experiences to life for me, I also need them to be capable of learning and growing from our session rather than feeling stuck in a place of fear or denial. I cannot have the power of astrology intimidating my clients - it's my job to do everything I can to show astrology is an inspiring tool rather than an experience of disempowerment.
As a result, I have no problems sharing with anyone how I use my astrology to learn and grow as I go through my own human experiences.
Private Consultations
LTK: What should people do if they'd like to have a private consultation with you?
Ms. DeSimone: It's very easy to schedule a personal consultation with me. You can visit my website, Insightful Astrology.com, and use the convenient links to book your session. If you have questions first, please email me using the contact form on my website. I specialize in natal, predictive and relationship astrology.
Final Thoughts
LTK: Finally, is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers that we haven't touched on as yet?
Ms. DeSimone: Yes! I'd love to shed more light on my website, as it has become a multimedia source of high quality astrology content. A couple of years ago I started producing weekly video horoscopes, and they've quickly become one of the most widely viewed horoscope shows on the Internet.
In addition, I have pioneered an Internet TV show called Bite Sized Astrology. This is a unique cooking show where I share my love of food while teaching you astrology in "bite sized" pieces you can learn and grow from. My horoscopes and shows are available on my website and also on my YouTube channel. I'd be honored if you would take the time to watch them.
Also, I'd like to give your readers some final thoughts on astrology. It is, perhaps, the most sacred tool we have to help gain insight into our lives, personality, relationships and karmic lessons.
Astrology helps you enact your free will through awareness of challenging patterns or cycles - it never victimizes you. I'm a firm believer that only by making a vow to confront your personal pain will you ever be able to transcend it. Astrology helps achieve this in an insightful, healing way.
It's so much more powerful than simply finding out when you'll meet the love of your life. Yes, astrology can certainly illuminate this, but if used properly, it goes way beyond predicting upcoming cycles. It'll help you overcome whatever difficult patterns there might be that could prevent you from making the most of that amazing relationship cycle when it does finally arrive!
Look to the sky my friends… you'll find yourself.
Special Thanks
LoveToKnow would like to thank Maria for graciously taking the time to share her perspective, experience and personal insights on astrology. If you'd like to schedule a personal consultation with Maria or sign up for her tele-classes, be sure to visit Insightful Astrology.com.