In the zodiacal "Wheel of the Year," the Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, are transitional. They represent the change of seasons and are the busiest signs of the zodiac.
The Meaning and Personality Traits of the Mutable Signs
According to YourDictionary, mutable is defined as "a person or thing that changes or can be changed, or changes often." The unique traits of the mutable signs are the chameleon-like qualities that allow them to adapt to any person or situation and display appropriate behaviors and reactions.
The Positive Traits of the Mutable Signs
The upside of Mutability:
- Changeable
- Adaptable
- Flexible
- Adjustable
- Agreeable
The Negative Traits of the Mutable Signs
The downside of the Mutability:
- Easily lead astray
- Difficult to pin down
- Scattered
The Mutable Signs and Compatibility
The Modalities are only a small part of astrological compatibility, but due to their adaptable nature and their ability to change and fit in with the needs of others the Mutable signs could be compatible with any sign of the zodiac. Some degree of mutability in a birth chart is an indicator that compromises will be easier due to the flexible nature of the individual.
The Mutable Signs and Careers
The Mutable signs are often jacks of all trades. They can take on any endeavor they're faced with and due to their ability to change themselves and their mindset, they have an innate ability to adapt to almost any career.
The Mutable Houses
Just like the signs of the zodiac, each astrological houses has a Modality. The Mutable or Cadent houses are the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses. The Cadent houses are primarily connected to the process of learning, processing, understanding, and disseminating information in preparation for the new beginning that comes in the following angular house.
Traits That Are Unique to Each Mutable Sign
The Mutable signs are all similar but different. Each Mutable sign has an Element that separates one sign from the other and gives each its unique energetic signature.
The Unique Traits of Mutable Air
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and rules the third house. It's the Mutable Air sign that's symbolized by "The Twins." Gemini's Air gives it the ability to communicate its thoughts and ideas, while its Mutability keeps Gemini busy gathering and circulating information.

The Unique Traits of Mutable Earth
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and rules the sixth house. It's symbolized by the "Maiden or Virgin." Its glyph is said to depict a Maiden carrying a shaft of wheat. Virgo's earth element grounds it in reality, and its Mutability keeps Virgo busy analyzing and putting things in order.

The Unique Traits of Mutable Fire
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and rules the ninth house. It's the Mutable Fire sign. The symbol for Sagittarius is the "Archer." Its glyph is a depiction of a bow and arrow. Sagittarius' fire element gives it infinite energy, while its Mutability propels Sagittarius to wander and wonder restlessly, gathering and spreading knowledge and wisdom.

The Unique Traits of Mutable Water
Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac and ruler of the twelfth house, is the Mutable Water sign. The symbol for Pisces is the "Fishes." Its glyph is a depiction of two fish tied together. Pisces water element gives it emotional awareness, and its Mutability gifts its watery nature with the ability to drift with the currents, dream, and connect with unseen worlds.

Mutability and the Birth Chart
Having your Sun in a Mutable sign does not guarantee you're a Mutable individual. However, a lot of Mutable energy in your birth chart; three or more planets, or your Sun sign, Moon sign, or Rising sign (two out of three) in Mutable signs usually indicates a person who can make adjustments, isn't fixed in their ways, and is flexible in most situations. Discovering your true astrology sign is the best way to know which of the three modalities colors all your behavior.