Learning the zodiac sign flowers can be fun and informative. Whether you want to learn the zodiac flowers in order to give a personalized gift or to enhance your own backyard garden, zodiac flowers are a beautiful and easy way to incorporate astrology in your everyday life.
The Perfect Bloom for Each Zodiac Sign
Each zodiac sign is associated with several flowers, but each also has a primary flower that represents it's energy.

Aries' Zodiac Flowers
Fiery, hot-tempered, go-getter Aries gets a bad rap from some astrologers. More often than not, they leave out Aries' more endearing qualities like their sharp decision-making and enterprising spirit. As for that legendary temper, once Aries's anger is spent, the sign reverts to his almost child-like lovable ways. Thistle and honeysuckle flowers are Aries birth flowers.

More Aries Flowers
Aries' other zodiac flowers include:
- Bryony
- Peppermint
- Tiger lilies
- Geraniums
- Hops
- Impatiens
- Hollyhocks
Taurus' Zodiac Flowers
Taurus has a reputation for stability, but this earthy sign also enjoys the finer things in life. Rose, poppy, and foxglove flowers are all birth flowers for Taurus.

More Taurus Flowers
Taurus' other Zodiac flowers include:
- Daisies
- Primulas
- Violets
- Columbines
- Mallows
- Sundews
Gemini's Zodiac Flowers
Chatty, easy-breezy, and inquisitive Gemini has several flowers. Birth flowers for the twins include lavender and lily-of-the-valley flowers.

More Gemini Flowers
Gemini's other zodiac flowers include:
- Maiden-hair ferns
- Orchids
- Chrysanthemums
- Lilacs
- Azaleas
Cancer's Zodiac Flowers
Sweet, sunny and endearing, Cancers will enjoy this eclectic collection of flowers, trees, and spices! White flowers, especially white roses, are Cancer's birth plants.

More Cancer Flowers
Cancer's other zodiac flowers include:
- Bear's breeches
- Morning glories
- Geraniums
- Lilies
- Water lilies
- Cabbages
- Lotus
- Verbena
- Southern magnolias
- Cow parsley
- Any type of white flower
Leo's Zodiac Flowers
Life-loving Leo rules creativity, the creative process, and fun. Marigold and sunflower are Leo's birth flowers.

More Leo Flowers
Leo's other zodiac flowers include:
- Celandine
- Passion flowers
- Rosemary
- Asters
- Larkspurs
- Dahlias
- Heliotropes
Virgo's Zodiac Flowers
Virgos have a reputation for their exacting, perfection-oriented nature, but that's only because they care so much! The best flowers for Virgo are bright small flowers; for example, buttercups.

More Virgo Flowers
Virgo Zodiac flowers also include:
- Narcissus
- Chrysanthemums
- Asters
- Cherry blossoms
Libra's Zodiac Flowers
Fair play, balance, and justice for all is the typical Libran motto. Bluebells and large roses are Libra's birth flowers.

Scorpio's Zodiac Flowers
Intuitive, mysterious, and ever-intelligent Scorpio has many flowers under its jurisdiction. Scorpio's birth flowers are dark red flowers like that of geraniums.

More Scorpio Flowers
More flower options for Scorpio are:
- Holly
- Black-eyed Susan
- Scarlet monkey flowers
- Anemones
- Heather
- Gardenias
- Honeysuckle
- Various cacti
- Arian flowers
- Yews
- Blackthorns
- Rhododendrons
Sagittarius' Zodiac Flowers
Life would be pretty boring without these lovable archers! Carnations are Sagittarius' birth flowers.

More Sagittarius Flowers
Sagittarians can also direct their attention to:
- Pink carnations
- Dandelions
- Peonies
- Blackberries
- Thistles
- Moss
- Sage
- Rush
- Limes
Capricorn's Zodiac Flowers
Capricorns are legendary for getting better as they age. Longevity, structure and material gain are all hallmarks of a true Capricorn personality. Capricorns have pansy and ivy flowers as birth flowers.

More Capricorn Flowers
Other flowers for Capricorn include:
- Ivy
- Heartsease
- Love-lies-bleeding
- Pansies
- Knapweed
- Hemp
- Scotch broom
- Trillium
- Baby's breath
- Camellias
Aquarius' Zodiac Flowers
Forward thinking Aquarius likes things nonconventional, and that includes flowers. Orchids are Aquarius' birth flowers.

More Aquarius Flowers
Other flowers associated with Aquarius are:
- Solomon's seal
- Golden rain
- Goldenrod
- Jack-in-the-pulpits
- Birds of paradise
- Gladiolus
- Trillium
Pisces' Zodiac Flowers
What would the world look like without the spiritual, intuitive and comedic qualities of Pisces? Pretty boring indeed. Water lilies are the fish's birth flower.

More Pisces Flowers
Additional Pisces flowers include:
- Moss
- Poppies
- Rhubarb
- Yarrow
- Clematis
- Lilac
- Orchids
Flower Power for the Zodiac
Now that you know which flowers correspond to each sign, what should you do with the information? A fun interpretation could be to give these flowers as gifts. Whether it's a birthday party or a housewarming present, the recipient is sure to be wowed by your level of thoughtfulness. Alternatively, knowing the flowers associated with your birth sign is a great way to provide accents or a little feng shui functionality to your interior design. Most people know the benefits of having plants around the house, but for the most part, these plants and trees are not personalized. Think how much fun it would be to go shopping for specific flowers and plants associated with you or your family's zodiac signs!