When it comes to romance, Virgo is a shy sign and often tries to hide this fact behind a very logical facade. In fact, strong emotions that seem to come out of nowhere strike Virgo as irrational and downright frightening. Through this lens, it's easy to see why some Virgo love matches fare better than others.
Virgo and Taurus
Virgo and Taurus is an excellent love and marriage match for Virgo. Taurus is stable enough to soothe Virgo's nervous streak and worrying tendencies. Virgo likes things to proceed logically by following the rules, step by step. Taurus doesn't have a problem with that.
Sex and Romance
Additionally, and perhaps more importantly to Virgo and Taurus take this same approach to sex and romance. Both are willing to wait until everything is just so when it comes to matters of the heart.
Shared Earth Element
Taurus and Virgo's Suns are trine one another and their shared earth element strengthens the relationship between the two. They are bound to see eye-to-eye more often than not, plus they hold a natural admiration and respect for each other.
Virgo and Capricorn
Similar to the Taurus/Virgo pairing, Capricorn and Virgo share the same earth element and can be another wonderful love match. Virgo hates surprises and appreciates that Capricorn is serious and hardworking and finds their fears eased but Capricorns long-term view and planning for the future. Virgo and Capricorn respect and admire each other and often have so much in common that their love affair leads to marriage and family.
Sex and Romance
As lovers, Capricorn and Virgo find it easy to communicate their sexual needs and their mutual trust makes their time in bed fulfilling for both. The only pitfall to avoid in this area is a tendency for both to forget to nurture their romance. Both need to make an effort to surprise each other once in a while. It's rare either to stray into infidelity, so, they're likely to enjoy a relationship that deepens over time.
Virgo and Cancer
Cancer is a water sign and tends to pair very well with Virgo. Virgo is rational, Cancer is emotional, but is willing to listen to reason, particularly when the advice comes from a Virgo's calm and gentle voice. Additionally, Cancers don't mind a Virgo's need for order because it makes them feel more secure. From Virgo's perspective, it nice to feel cared for, nurtured, loved, and valued. Cancer and Virgo genuinely appreciate one another and both take their time when it comes to choosing a significant other. This is like a tonic to both and when they realize just how lucky they to have found one another, they often find their love affair leads to marriage.

Sex and Romance
Cancer and Virgo are particularly well suited for one another. Once in love, both tend to stay in love and are eager to please their partners. Cancer and Virgo are traditional romantics. Cancer is nurturing and comforting, Virgo is attuned to their physical senses. Sex between them is not wild, but it's sweet and fulfilling for both. Add this to their shared need for commitment and you have the receipt for a lifelong relationship.
Virgo and Scorpio
There's plenty of attraction between Virgo and Scorpio. Scorpio is fascinated by Virgo's calm and seemingly unflappable approach to love. Scorpio feels things very intensely and is shocked by Virgo's rational yet calculated view of romance. They're both workers who like to acquire resources, they have a shared love of home, and their living styles go well together. Both want everything perfect and are private individuals who value their solitude and can be fairly unsociable. And They're both are cautious when giving their heart. But once they trust one another Virgo can ground Scorpio's emotional intensity, while Scorpio can add a bit of depth and drama to a Virgo's life.
Sex and Romance
The Scorpio's passionate and adventurous sexual nature can sometimes overwhelm the shy and practical Virgo. However, if Virgo will drop their defenses a little and Scorpio is willing to slow down a bit, the result will be amazing sexual encounters! This couple can spend entire nights in bed talking to one another about things that are important to them, be it each other, children or politics. Their love of communication and desire to understand one another can often keep them engaged until dawn.

Virgo and Pisces Are Opposites That Attract
Pisces is Virgo's opposite sign. Like the proverbial moth to the flame, Virgo can't help but feel fascinated by an elusive Pisces. Pisces is everything that Virgo likes and seems free, unconcerned and unburdened by the traditional rules of life. Virgo is drawn irresistibly to Pisces' humanitarian world view and easy, laid back style. Pisces is blown away by Virgo's ability to keep eight balls juggling in the air while simultaneously holding a food drive for the homeless. Each has what the other lacks, each has the ability to adapt to each other's differences, and together both are better individuals.
The Doer and the Dreamer
It's not always easy when a Virgo and Pisces get together. Pisces is a dreamer and Virgo is a doer and they have a lot to learn from each other. But if each is willing to the other to do what they do best, theirs can be a happy, peaceful, and sexually fulfilling relationship that can last a lifetime.
Virgo and Gemini Is a Gamble
The chance of compatibility for Gemini and Virgo is a bit of a gamble. These signs are similar in some ways and very different in others.

Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, so this planet's influence is filtered through each sign's personality. In Gemini, Mercury boosts the power to think logically. However, this tendency is mellowed by Gemini's easy-going nature. Mercury's influence on Virgo takes a slightly different turn. Ever the perfectionist, Virgo can be a bit critical under Mercury's rule. What this means for both signs in a relationship is that they may both come to the same logical conclusion about a given situation, but they will deal with that situation in very different ways, which can sometimes lead to discord.
Areas of Connection
There are some areas where Gemini and Virgo connect beautifully. Both signs have an appreciation for the arts and enjoy mental stimulation. This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart. As scattered as Gemini can sometimes appear to be, both signs love to keep a clean and orderly home. They also share a taste for the finer things in life, including stylish clothing and fine dining.
Potential Conflict
The primary area where Gemini and Virgo will find conflict is in the different ways they think about and handle things. Both signs are strong-minded, and they are ready and willing to have their say in any situation, which can lead to some head-butting. Their intellectual natures can also lead to periods of boredom, especially if Virgo proves to be the dominant partner and reigns in Gemini too much. Money can become a bone of contention. Virgos are very responsible with money, and Virgo's urge to save occasionally cut into Gemini's pursuit of carefree fun. In the romance department, Virgo's libido is slightly less dynamic than that of Gemini, and this can lead to another mismatch of energies.
Other Signs Less Compatible With Virgos
Almost any Sun sign love match can be made to work if the individuals are both willing to set aside their differences. All the love matches below are not naturally compatible, and each needs understanding and compromise by both people involved.
Virgo with Virgo is an intelligent and analytical pairing. Both are perfectionists, workaholics, very practical, highly organized, and methodical. There's a meeting of the minds so, theirs could be the ultimate business relationship; but when it comes to love, there's a brother-sister vibe that will soon cool romance and passion.
There is an element of magnetism in Virgo and Aries love match, but the longevity of this relationship is in doubt. An Aries can't take nagging or criticism and has a tendency to act impulsively. Virgo can be nagging and critical and also has a tendency to ponder over an issue before taking any action. These two are very different, and it will take a lot of understanding, adjustments, and compromises from both to make this love match work.
Leo and Virgo can work but it won't just happen. Virgo is humble. Leo is flamboyant. Leo has great pride, and Virgo can be very critical. Leo's domineering personality will eventually annoy Virgo, and Virgo's fault-finding nature will annoy Leo. Theirs is a love match that can quickly prove to be a mismatch. Leo and Virgo seldom end up in a long term emotional or intimate relationship.
Libra is a social people person, Virgo is shy. Virgo is reserved when comes to expressing love and affection, Libra is very open and romantic. Virgo is a realist, Libra an idealist. Most often they won't even be attracted to one another. A love match between Virgo and Libra is not a good choice, as these two are likely to drive one another crazy.
Virgo and Sagittarius are very different. Virgo is productive, cautious, and reserved. Sagittarius is carefree, spontaneous, and sometimes reckless. Virgo is reclusive, quiet, and often pessimistic. Sagittarius is social, talkative, and always optimistic. They are both flexible and adaptable people who have changeable nature, but their differing personalities and attitudes about life combined with their unpredictable natures do not bode well for a long-term relationship.
Both Virgo and Aquarius are intellectual and can easily be friends, but a love match between these two will be an ongoing struggle. They each have a different approach to life, and neither has what it takes to bring out the other's passions. These two can bring out the worst in each other, and making their love match last will require both of them to make more than a few adjustments.
Finding the Perfect Mate for a Virgo
Astrologically, Virgo can successfully pair with any number of astrological signs, depending on the synastry between the two birth charts. However, based solely on the Sun signs, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio, are the most compatible and the best love matches for Virgo. However, love is often irrational and astrologically blind when it comes to Soulmates. Any Sun sign can be a Virgo's soulmate because soulmate love is a particular kind of love that challenges you to work through difficulties and grow. Soulmate love is as much, if not more, about incompatibilities as compatibilities.
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