When a Scorpio man and Capricorn woman fall in love, they have a certain chemistry that is not easily matched by other zodiac connections, particularly in relation to their compatibility.
The Scorpio Man in Love
One of the first things people think about Scorpio is that it's one of the most sexual signs of the zodiac. While Scorpio men do have a strong interest in sex, it is really more a matter of passion and deep exploration that drives Scorpio.
Hate Routine
Scorpio men hate control, regulation, and norms both in a relationship and in everyday life; when things get too "normal," Scorpio men feel bored and unhappy and will often do something to spice life up.
Loves Mystery
Scorpio men appreciate the magic and mystery of a relationship; for them, the magic and mystery are the unspoken little touches that serve to create a bonded relationship.
High Standards
Scorpio men have high standards and are slow to commit, but once their mind is made up, it's made up. Sometimes they have a wandering eye; however, they're also fiercely loyal. So, when they find someone to love, they seldom find a reason to stray.

The Capricorn Woman in Love
Like most Capricorns, a Capricorn woman is focused. She may be driven by her career, something she's passionate about, or something entirely different, but she is on the pathway to somewhere.
Rational and Decisive
Capricorn women are rational, sometimes to a fault, and think every decision through in order to make the best decision possible. They take their time in making up their mind, especially when it comes to romantic relationships
A Relationship with Purpose
A Capricorn woman wants to feel like a relationship is providing a purpose to their life. They don't fall in love easily, but when they do, they love with their entire heart and throw themselves into the relationship head on and at full speed ahead.
Is Fiercely Loyal
When a Capricorn woman chooses a partner, she's committed and knows she's in for the long haul. She works hard to strengthen the relationship and make it a functional part of her life.
Emotional Control
When it comes to desires, a Capricorn woman is restrained and in control of her emotions. She's good at separating herself from her feelings. As a result, she can have relationships that are full of love or full of nothing more than physical attraction.

About the Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman
A Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman in love isn't an easy situation to achieve. In fact, since both are initially hesitant about forming relationships, they're likely to have a significant amount of trouble just getting to know one another.
A Love Bond Takes Time
Loving one another will take time. However, when a love bond happens, they compliment each other and both hang in through thick or thin.
- Both are very loyal.
- Neither has a problem with commitment.
- Both are equally sensible with money.
- Both are prepared to work hard to improve their long-term security.
Practical Matters
Both individuals have determination and drive. As a result, they can easily bond on more practical matters like career. The Capricorn woman will especially appreciate this since she'll feel like the ball is in her court.
Troublesome Aspects of Their Union
Like most relationships, the one between a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman has its ups and downs and when two such strong individuals come together, there will also be some tugs of war.
- Capricorn and Scorpio are both dominate individuals, who will not be dominated.
- Both have a strong sense of independence.
- Both tend to be possessive of their partners.
Possessive and Jealous
While a little jealousy can be quite healthy (and is often appreciated), a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman can sometimes go overboard with their possessiveness and jealousy. Neither trusts easily and it will take time for them to learn to trust one another. A Scorpio man is highly passionate and possessive of everything in his life, and a Capricorn woman can become jealous and possessive with a passion that is unusual for her distant attitude.
Intense and Passionate Fights
If their relationship begins to lack passion, excitement, and purpose, a Capricorn woman may become dissatisfied, and a Scorpio man may become bored. Love does have a way of excluding reason and logic. When in love, the passion that these two independent loners have for one another can spark insecurities that bring out the possessive, controlling nature of both. Of course, this can lead to passionate and intense fights, which are often a prelude to intense and passionate lovemaking.
Sex Is the Cure-All
Sex between these two provides the passion, intensity, and excitement that continually rebirths their relationship and keeps it vital and alive. The sexual compatibility between these two is incredible.
In Bed
In bed, the Scorpio lover has the imagination, the Capricorn woman has the drive and will to succeed, and they both are passionate. When these two get between the sheets, it's not for the faint of heart.
Erotic Sex
A Scorpio man wants sex to have an element of danger and is fascinated and excited by erotic sexual activities. A Capricorn woman, no matter how proper she may appear the others, has an earthy and robust sexuality. It's in the bed where a Capricorn woman can be submissive, and it's in her nature to work hard and succeed at anything and everything he might ask her to do.

Breaking Up
When bonded a Capricorn woman and a Scorpio man are both loyal, committed, and share a healthy respect for one another. However, if their relationship begins to lack passion, excitement, and purpose, a breakup is possible. But the breakup itself might spark enough jealousy and possessiveness that their love for one another is rekindled. On the other hand, they're also a couple who can turn cold and mean to one another after a bad breakup.
The Power Couple
This is a coupling that finds worldly power sexy. They thrive when they support the other's rise to the top of any endeavor. In a romantic relationship, this dynamic couple must put a delicate balance in place. However, it's likely that because each is slow to commit that they will have found that balance before committing to one another. This bodes well for an enduring relationship.