The moon is an effective teacher of the cycles of life and an incredible timing guide that can be applied with amazing results to business endeavors, creative projects, and just about everything else. It's simple, and you don't have to be involved in astrology to follow its natural cycles. You can visually see her wax and wane in the night sky, and you can use a use a moon table to find out exactly what lunar phase and astrological sign the moon is transiting.
A Moon Table (Calendar)

An ephemeris is a book that contains tables that give you the positions of sun, moon, planets, and various other points at 12:00 am on the day in question. These are used by astrologers to construct horoscopes and to look up the daily positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other important astrological information. The CafeAstrology ephemeris is the best you'll find online.
Phase and Sign of the Moon
Moon tables, which show the phase and the sign of the moon on any given day, are most often presented in the form of a monthly calendar. Moon calendars are used by fishermen, hunters, gardeners, and of course, astrologers, in their day-to-day planning.
Best Moon Calendars
The best moon calendars available online are at MoonTracks. These show the exact day and time the moon moves from one sign and one phase to the next, the moon's void of-course days and times, and there's also one that shows all three. If you use these, you'll have to adjust for your time zone as the times listed are all Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Luckily, LunerLiving.org has a time zone converter to help you with that.
Probably the most convenient form of moon calendar is one you hang on the wall or keep on your desk.
- The best wall calendar, Llewellyn's Astrological Calendar, has been around for 85 years.
- Cosmic Windows, created by Sirius Astrological Services (sample), is a personal astrological calendar and daily planner that enables you to use your unique date, time, and place of birth in your planning.
The Waxing and Waning Moon
The moon, in her cycles around the Earth, mirrors the daily experience of living. You wake up each morning and go about your day, and whether you know it or not, your life subtlety waxes and wanes with the lunar cycle.
Each lunar cycle lasts 28+ days and during those 28+ days, as she waxes and wanes, she appears to transform from the tiny sliver just following the dark of the new moon to the glorious luminosity of the full moon (14+ days after the new moon). Then slowly (over the next 14+ days), her light decreases into the darkness of the next new moon, and the cycle begins again.
The New Moon
The new moon marks the waxing moon, a time associated with beginnings and growth. If you want to bring new things into your life, to start a new project, to start anew, the new moon phase presents a strong foundation on which to begin.
During the dark of the new moon, make a list of new the things you want to bring into your life. There's nothing too large or too small; you can list anything from a new pair of glasses to a new home, a new job, or even a new point of view.
The Full Moon
The full moon represents a time of objectivity. During the waning of the moon, let go of negative thoughts, relinquish bad habits, and overcome obstacles. The waning moon is a time of clearing.
During the fullness of the moon, make a list of everything you want out of your life. Again, there's nothing too large or small; your list can range from bad hair days to a relationship or illness.
The Transiting Moon Through the Signs
The moon enters a new zodiac sign every two to three days. She always transits all twelve signs during a month, but there are months when she'll enter fourteen signs, repeating two. However, the norm is thirteen. The sign she's moving through sets the mood for each passing day.
When the moon transits through:
- Aries, it's time to get physical. You feel energetic, spontaneous, enthusiastic, and pioneering. Things occur rapidly, but also quickly pass.
- Taurus, life slows down, and moods are calmer and peaceful. These are lazy days when your need for pleasant physical sensations and comfort rises. Things you begin or acquire on these days last the longest and tend to increase in value.
- Gemini, you'll have a more than usual amount of nervous energy. These are days to make social connections, have fun, and chat with everyone you meet.
- Cancer, you're more sentimental. These days are for making emotional connections and concentrating on home, family, and domestic matters.
- Leo, you're warmer, dramatic, and will want to shine and be noticed. During these days, have some fun, be creative and childlike, and enjoy life.
- Virgo, it's nose to the grindstone. These days are best spent cleaning, organizing, and getting your mundane world in order.
- Libra, relationships are emphasized so this is a great time to socialize and enjoy the company of others.
- Scorpio, you'll feel like delving deep. If there's a mystery to be solved or a strategy to be developed, these are the days to do it.
- Sagittarius, it's time to do your happy dance and just "wing it." Warmhearted friendliness is in the air, and you never know what adventure is just around the corner or what you might learn.
- Capricorn, your mood turns more serious, and it's time to be productive. These are the days to involve yourself in practical undertakings and career issues.
- Aquarius, you're in for a change of routine. These are the best days to gather with like-minded people and brainstorm new ideas and progressive changes.
- Pisces, it's time to protect yourself from harshness and negativity. These days are best for letting go, meditating, praying, listening to music, sitting near water, or doing whatever you do to soothe your soul.
The Void-of-Course Moon
The void-of-course moon is the time after the moon has formed its last major aspect with another planet but has not yet moved into the next astrological sign. They happen approximately every two days. The amount of time the moon stays in her void varies from just a few minutes to the entire time the moon remains in a sign.
What Happens During the Void
The void is a period when you could experience emotional confusion, mood fatigue, or even simply feel emotionally and physically run down. It's mainly a time to pause and reflect, to suspend pushing forward, and temporarily turn inward.
Traditional astrology says if you begin something during a void moon, nothing will come of it. Perhaps it's more appropriate to say it won't turn out as expected. However, not turning out as expected doesn't mean it will turn out wrong; some of the best and most memorable times in life are often unexpected.
Still, it's advisable to avoid some things when the moon is void:
- Starting a new business, project, or enterprise
- Forego signing documents or sending out important letters or emails
- It's best not to hold important meetings or to make critical decisions of any kind
- Avoid making purchases, from food to fashion; however, if you must go shopping, make sure what you buy can be returned and keep your receipts
- Avoid airline departures or any trips that are scheduled to begin during the void
Working With a Moon Table
A moon table or calendar can help you work in harmony with nature's natural rhythms instead of rushing things and doing something at the wrong time. All it takes is learning how to blend the waxing and waning moon with the sign she's passing through.
Some examples:
- When the moon is waxing in Cancer, purchase something new for your home. When the moon is waning in Cancer, collect items from around your home and donate them to a charity.
- When the moon is waxing in Capricorn, start important work projects. When the moon is waning in Capricorn, wrap up work projects.
Living Life in Tune With the Moon
Human language brims with words about the compelling power of the moon. How about being moonstruck or looney? There's also mooning over someone or something, and of course, there's mooning someone, which is something else entirely. Hunters hunt, fisherman fish, gardeners garden, and investors invest according to the moon. Perhaps it's time you consider getting a moon calendar and living your life in tune with the swing and sway of the magical moon.