Is there any truth to tarot card readings and palm readings? The answer is one that you must decide for yourself.
Deciding What Is the Truth
If you ask ten people if tarot card readings and palm readings are real, you'll receive ten different responses. Opinions are formed based on personal belief systems and experiences. The best way for you to evaluate the validity of either type of reading is to have one. This way, you'll quickly know if this is a method of divination that works for you.
Is It A Pseudoscience?
Tarot and palm reading are part of a group of arts known as pseudoscience. A pseudoscience is based on methods, techniques and formulas that cannot be substantiated or quantified by known scientific truths. Since scientific validation isn't possible, many people debate the value of these methods and their results. Others value the results and don't need the scientific community's validation.
To better understand these predictive arts, try to momentarily suspend any disbelief you might have in divination and the tools used so you can approach the topic with an open mind.
How Tarot Readings Are Conducted
There are several methods for conducting a tarot reading. Some readers don't allow anyone to touch their cards and control the cards at all times. Other readers prefer to have their clients shuffle the cards and handle them so the client's energy is transferred onto the cards. This transference of energy assists the reader in the process. In instances where the client handles the cards, the reader will ask the client to select the cards from the deck and place them face down in front of the reader. The reader will then turn the cards over, careful not to invert the cards.
Most readers observe the right side up card position as a positive interpretation of the card's meaning and the upside down card position to mean the opposite or negative interpretation.
There are multiple card spreads that the reader can use to help you with the answer you seek. Tarot readers work two ways. One is a literal interpretation of the cards as the reader has learned from a book. The other method is that the person who uses the cards as a divination tool will also use other abilities to assist In delving deeper into the reading and the divination process.
History of Palm Reading
Palm reading is also known as chiromancy, an ancient divination form that's believed to have originated in Greece. Like most divination tools, palmistry attempts to foretell your future by analyzing the lines in your palms. This method has developed over the centuries into an accepted way of reading a person's palm, and the ancient Greeks revered a palmist with the same respect they reserved for doctors. The process of reading your palm is more complex than just analyzing the lines. Your hands have unique characteristics that give pieces of information to the person analyzing them. Thumb positions, as well as the pads of your fingers, are also significant indicators about who you are and what possible talents you may possess.
How Palm Readings Are Conducted
The thumb is very significant to the reading because it can reveal much about the person. Does the thumb project from the side at a decided angle? Is it set high or low on the hand? Is it stiff when pressed away from the hand or is it flexible? All of these characteristics give the palmist or hand analyst insight into your inner nature.
Right Hand or Left Hand?
Which hand does a palm reader prefer? Most palmists will read the left hand first because it's believed to be the barometer of your personal life. Your right hand reveals how others perceive you and the face you put on for the general public.
How You Can Evaluate Your Readings?
There are certain aspects of your readings that you can quickly validate because you'll know if the reader is on target with certain details. It's important to remember that readers are human too, and no one is always 100 percent correct. Still, if your reader is what you'd consider accurate, the odds of such a high degree of accuracy are beyond coincidental. This is the crux of the never-ending debate between those who believe in divination tools and those who believe only in scientific proof. You may want to try some free online readings to get a better idea about what you can expect before investing in a full reading.
Is There Any Truth to Tarot Card Readings and Palm Readings?
In the end, after you've approached the topics of tarot and palm readings with an open mind and experienced each type of reading for yourself, you are the only one qualified to answer your original question, "Is there any truth to tarot card readings and palm readings?" It's up to you to decide what you believe now.