If you've managed to snag the ram, or one of the most eligible bachelors of the zodiac, the odds are very good that you want to know how to keep an Aries man. Typically, Aries guys are bold and brash, and they need an equally adventurous and forward-thinking partner to keep the fires of desire burning bright.
Aries Men Love to Lead
Aries men grab life by the horns. This sign doesn't want someone who sits on his or her hands; he prefers action-oriented individuals. His cardinal fire nature prompts him towards a leadership role, but he can't lead the half-hearted. He needs a steady and willing partner, one that thirsts for adventure and novelty. His leadership is not a role that he relinquishes easily. If you happen to be someone who also likes to be in charge, you might have to battle Aries from time to time for top dog status. Balance out this potential conflict by taking turns holding the reins. This way, you'll both be satisfied and happy.
How to Attract an Aries Man
It's not hard to appreciate an Aries man. After all, he's charming, sexy, and magnetic, and he has a zest for life that is as refreshing as a strong, salty ocean breeze. Once you've found him, you'll want to learn how to keep him.
Engage in Witty Banter
Love is a battlefield, and this sentiment is especially true with Aries. Aries loves witty repartee that has a tinge of underlying sexual tension, so don't be afraid to unload a few double entendres with this sign. Aries also loves a good fight, so be sure to stand up for yourself and intelligently defend your opinions. Don't be afraid to go toe-to-toe with Aries since he'll find the fight intoxicating.
Show Your Intellectual Chops
Aries wants a partner he can feel proud of, and that includes feeling good about your mental prowess. However, even if you are as sharp as a tack, don't ever make others feel bad if they are not up to your intellectual speed. Aries is sucker for an underdog; if he sees you putting down the people you come into contact with, he'll seriously begin to question what he saw in you in the first place.

Flirt in a Sexy, Yet Innocent Way
It sounds like an oxymoron, but Aries wants you to be sexy, yet innocent. How is this accomplished? Save all of your eyelash batting and coquettish behavior for one person only; your Aries man. Aries wants you to look great, but he wants to know that he has someone special, and this is one sign that loathes to share.
Embrace Adventure
The last thing Aries wants is a stick in the mud who wants to hold hands and cuddle nonstop. Don't be mistaken, Aries loves physical affection and isn't shy about giving or receiving it, but he also wants a mate that is willing to stand alone from time to time. In light of this, you certainly have the green light to enjoy your own unique hobbies. Additionally, if your Aries loves sports like rock climbing or martial arts, feel free to participate. He'll love you all the more for it.
Manage Resentment
The last key area you'll want to address when it comes to keeping your Aries man is his volatility. Aries has quite a temper that tends to be short lived, but explosive. Even so, one thing you can count on is Aries forgetting what he was angry about the second the situation has passed; this is not a sign that holds onto resentment. Perhaps it's is because of this trait that Aries doesn't like others who do hold a grudge. The best advice then is for you to forgive and truly forget.
Long-Term Prospects for Dating an Aries Man
Aries is a take-charge kind of guy, but he's happy to share the spotlight with the person he falls for. If you're genuinely happy to be with him, support his adventures and endeavors, and aren't afraid of a challenge, you and your Aries man will be happy together for years to come.