Sagittarius, the centaur archer, is the great adventurer of the zodiac, and his adventurous spirit holds the secret of how to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you. This high-energy idealist is always looking for new worlds to discover, but you need to capture his attention first.
Getting a Sagittarius Man to Notice You
Your first impediment to winning your Sagittarius man will be to grasp his attention for more than a moment. Sagittarians are very active individuals, both mentally and physically. The fire element that fuels a Sagittarius constantly propels them toward fresh goals and endeavors. Combine this high-octane persona with masculine energy and you nearly double the assertion of the fire element.
How do you capture the attention of a man who is constantly on the move?
- First, attract your Sagittarius with whatever physical assets you have. Play up your eyes, pronounce your figure, and keep your smile white and wide.
- Fire signs are heavily driven by the passion of the moment, so don't become too deeply immersed in his conversational abilities. Intrigue him, don't engage him fully.
- Be capable of change. Your personality should never seem like a dead end. Instead, reveal yourself in layers, such that he never feels he knows you completely.
- Fire signs love challenges and he should feel challenged to keep your attention, even though you are attempting the same scheme.
Sagittarius and Commitment
So, you have his attention, and he's asked you out. However, attempting to reel a Sagittarius into a long-term commitment will rest on numerous factors such as:
- The whole of his birth chart
- His upbringing and understanding of relationships
- The competition of other people or projects
Committed and Happy
Some Sagittarians will naturally make a move into a long-term or committed relationship because of other placements in their birth chart or because it's within their cultural frame of reference. As long as a Sagittarian man has plenty of room to breathe, he's happy to remain committed. He's not necessarily afraid of commitment or marriage, he's scared of being tied down.
A Sagittarian Man Is Busy
Even the sweetest Sagittarius male who has devoted himself to a partner struggles more with "devotion" than commitment. This is because there are so many factors competing for his attention. Work, activism, pet projects, friends, people to meet and places to go, etc. - all of these take up a Sagittarius' time. Still, without these, his zest for life deteriorates. This doesn't mean that all hope for a committed relationship is lost. But there are a few "dos" and "don'ts" to remember if you want a commitment.

Go With Him
This is the cold reality of any woman vying for a Sagittarius male: "if you can't beat them, join them." A Sagittarian man won't beg you but he wants you to join in, however, if you don't, he'll happily do everything on his own. Attempting to harness your free-spirited man will only result in the breakdown of your relationship. So, get ready to:
- Take an interest in his interests
- Travel with him
- Make his hobbies your hobbies
- Engage in an active social life
The Elements at Play
Sagittarius is the drifting mutable fire sign. For this reason, a Sagittarian man tends to be most compatible with effusive fire signs and gregarious air signs. Water and earth-dominant individuals can't keep up with the pace and end up feeling drained by Sagittarius' antics. So, if you have your eye on a Sagittarius male, evaluate your strengths and see if a highly social and even globe-trotting life is really what you're looking for.

Crippling Your Efforts
If you're not up to the task of snagging a Sagittarius man, tread carefully because there are numerous ways to squelch your efforts.
Overly Domestic
Any Sagittarian man appreciates a home-cooked meal, but if you are genuinely a home-maker and indoor type, you won't keep his interest for long. Sagittarius men want to be out and about as much as possible. Too many Netflix nights will kill the energy of your relationship.
Negative Conversation
Sagittarian men are optimists and idealists; they always try to see the bright side of a bad situation. Negativity abounds in the world, but continually being a "Debbie Downer" will be demoralizing for a Sagittarian man. Keep your conversations happy, hopeful, helpful, and interesting if you don't want to push your potential Sagittarian lover away.
Inhibiting His Freedom
Even when in a committed relationship, a Sagittarian man needs the illusion of freedom. If he wants to take on a new project or take a spontaneous road trip, don't squelch his plans. Due to his need to do what he wants when he wants, as well as his friendly gregarious demeanor, relationships with a Sagittarian man often lead to suspicions of infidelity, so make sure you've dealt with any trust issues before investing yourself in a Sagittarius man.

Losing Yourself to the Sagittarius Male
The philosophy of "can't beat them, join them" should be geared towards keeping your interests aligned with his. However, this does not mean you drastically revamp your personality. The archer, like all fire signs, thrives on challenge, and if you are too available, compliant, and agreeable you are more likely to inspire boredom than awe.
A Fine Balance
A Sagittarian man needs to feel that getting to know you is somehow akin to solving a great mystery. So, join him on his adventures, but keep some of yourself to yourself at all times. Your Sagittarius man will appreciate the side of you he sees and will always wonder about the side he can't see. There's a delicate balance to playing this situation correctly. Still, if you can find that balance, you may become the most valuable project of his lifetime.