Life holds its little daily ups and downs, and then there are the bigger issues with which everyone must deal. A yearly horoscope report explores the larger themes and explains how the transiting planets may affect your life during the year. However, most free annual transit reports are not person specific, they are general and written related to the 12 sun signs.
Free Solar Return Birthday Charts
If Today is Your Birthday is available on Cafe Astrology. Here, you just scroll down the page, click on your birth date, and you'll receive an instant report based on your current Solar return. This is probably the best free yearly report because it deals with more than just your Sun. The report is listed on the website, so you can go back and click on your birthday to get it throughout the year. The report is a general overview of the year ahead.
Solar Return Method
In this method, the phase of the Sun and Moon, the placements of the planets in a sign and house, and the aspects they make to one another and your Solar Return Sun on your birthday are all important.
Your Sun is placed on the ascendant, the chart is divided into twelve 30-degree segments, the planets of the day are placed around the wheel in their proper signs and locations, and the chart is read like your birth chart. It's like you are born again each year on your birthday, and the Solar Return chart paints a picture of the year ahead.
As an example, suppose your birthday occurs around the time of a third quarter Moon, this alone reveals an ambitious year when you will be reaching a critical turning point regarding personal growth.
Sun Sign Yearly Reports
Astrology is well represented online with many astrological websites offering yearly Sun sign horoscopes. Those listed below are some of the best.

CafeAstrology The Year Ahead
Cafeastrology.com offers This Year in Astrology for each sign of the zodiac. Just click on your sun sign, and you'll get an instant overview of what the coming year could bring, especially related to love and career. It offers a narrative report as opposed to month by month. When you scroll to the bottom, you'll find more free information that is more specific to your date of birth. Additionally, Cafe Astrology offers month to month over views, as well as daily influences for each Sun sign.
eAstroLog.com provides a quite extensive free yearly update that gives an overview and then goes into more detail about love, career, and finances. They also have free daily and monthly horoscope reports and loads of other astrological offerings.
Penny Thornton's Astrolutely
Astrolutely.com, by Penny Thornton, provides weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes forecasts. Just click on your Sun sign on the side, and you'll be redirected to a page that contains all three. Reports are narrative and allow you to look at the year ahead in areas of career, love, and general life topics. It also provides an extensive collection of astrological resources.
AstroGirl, the niece of Athena Star Woman, offers a Yearly Horoscope Outlook. Here, you just click on the arrow until you come to your Sun sign, and you'll find information related to love, career, money, and self-improvement. AstroGirl also offers daily, weekly, and monthly, horoscopes.
Sun Sign Method
The astrologers who write the free yearly reports listed above are all professionals. Their annual forecasts discuss major planetary trends, areas of change, and occasional disruptions in love, career, family, friends, and finances. Usually, only the slower transiting planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are used in relation to your Sun.
The Chart
A chart is created, and the Sun is placed on the ascendant, the circle is then divided into twelve 30 degree segments, which are read like the 12 astrological houses. Finally, the slower moving transiting planets are placed around the chart.
As an example, suppose Jupiter, the greater benefic, is entering your 11th house (segment) during the year. At some point during the year, Jupiter will be sextile your Sun. This could bring opportunities for collaborations and indicate that friends and collaborators could prove to be trusted advisors during this time.
Astrology Apps
There are also apps at the Google app store that you can download onto your phone or iPad that will give you free daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes.

Horoscopes by Astrology.com
Horoscopes, created by Astrology.com, has over 30 categories of free daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes, as well the ability to share horoscopes with your friend by email. Google reviewers give it a rating of 4.7
Daily Horoscope
Daily Horoscope's Zodiac Yearly section covers the yearly horoscope for sun signs. Chinese Horoscope provides yearly horoscope for all the Chinese signs. This is one of the most downloaded apps for both Andriod and iOS. Reviews rate this app 4.6
Astrologer is a nifty little astrology app on which you can view your yearly horoscope at a glance. Reviews rate this app a 3.9
Pros and Cons of Free Forecasts
All the free reports and apps listed above have the same pros and cons, but all are worthy of your time and can be an excellent introduction into the mysterious world of astrological forecasting.
- All offer general trends and accurate but limited information.
- All will talk about possible opportunities, responsibilities, and disruptions that might happen in various areas of your life during the coming year.
- All can give you some valuable insights.
- All will offer you a preview and feel for the coming year.
- All are entertaining and fun to read.
- Full and accurate birth data is necessary for accurate forecasting, and none of the free horoscopes are based on full birth data (the transiting planets always act in relation to their condition in your natal chart).
- There's no way these reports can know your culture, socio-economic situation, education, environment, level of development, or even if you're human.
- None can tell you anything specific, and it's your conscious awareness of a specific future event that allows you to use the energy to your best advantage.
- None can say exactly when the effect of the slow moving transiting planet will be strongest or when the most important events are likely to happen.
- None can tell you how you'll personally react to any major transit. The importance of each planet varies by individual.
How to Best Use Free Yearly Forecasts
The very best way to use these free yearly forecasts is to spend some time thinking about how they relate to your personal life. Remember about one in 12 people have the same Sun sign and you'll need to superimpose what's said upon what happening in your own life and see how they fit. However, nothing really just happens out of the blue; there's almost always a lead-up, so it's likely that while reading these forecasts you'll already have a hint.
Why Do Astrologers Write Free Reports?
Astrologers write these reports to whet the public's appetite for more astrology. Most people who have in interest in astrology start with a free Sun sign forecast and when they realize how accurate they can be they move on to a pricier consult with a professional astrologer. This makes these astrological freebies the gateway to a consulting an astrologer. However, when choosing a free report, it's important to choose carefully and to remember they are almost all written in the most positive way. If you're serious and want to know the specifics about how the movements of the planets are going to affect you and your life in the coming year, it's best to schedule a visit with a professional astrologer.