If you find yourself interested in palm line reading, a free online palm reading may appeal to you. Unlike tarot card reading websites or other divination-type sites, these palm readings often provide a wealth of information, but it will be up to you to do the work of learning all they have to offer. Understandably it is difficult to read palms over the internet, so many of these websites now offer quizzes to help discern the different features of your palm.
Finding a Palm Reading Online
Palm reading websites present some of the information needed for you to be able to read your own (or someone else's) palm. While you can look for a palm reading chart, it's often best to look at a few sites to get a feel for what is out there. A few of the better sites offer this service for free include:
The Sailor-Games website is great for someone who wants to get started quickly. Rather than having to read a lot of information before getting started, Sailor-Games presents palm reading in a quiz format. As a result, all you have to do as a reader is look at your hand and answer the questions as best as you can. Select as many answers as seem relevant from multiple choices and your results are shown in a box to the right.
Find Your Fate
Find Your Fate is another option for palm readings. The eight-question palm line quiz is a quick and fun way to get a reading. Answer the multiple-choice questions and get a detailed analysis at the end. This is a simple option for a quick reading without too much supporting information or detail. you aren't required to give any personal information or to register with the website. This information is also offered in a free app.
Hand Analysis
Hand Analysis helps you learn more about palm readings, Hand Analysis lets you browse information on all parts of hand reading. The site presents various sections with specific questions, such as "Where is romance in your hands?" or "What is your hidden power?" You can click on the question for several illustrations with supporting text about reading your own palm.
True Tarot
True Tarot offers a free animated palm reading quiz. It begins by looking at the shape of your hand and fingers, then looks at the lines on your hand. Questions and answers are done in a multiple-choice format, and each question includes a brief summary of the attributes that are ascribed to the lines and parts of your hand being examined. At the end, hover your cursor over each of the attributes you examined and click on them individually to get your results.
Mystic Scripts
Mystic Scripts offers several types of free palm readings. Some require you answer questions from a multiple-choice format of pictures you select the closest to your hands or fingers. Each reading is also available as a free script you can place on your website should you desire. There are four types of free readings available that include, a general Palmistry overview, Astro Palmistry combines your birthdate with palm lines, Palmistry Compatibility an analysis of your hands and your partner's hands, and Palmistry Ascendant evaluates the number lines on your Mercury finger (little finger). (It appears the website was last updated in 2017.)
Free Palm Reading Scanner
You can take advantage of a free palm reading scanner app. Many of the apps offered as scanners are nothing more than a question app. To find one that actually scans your hand requires a lot of digging. A few apps require you to download another app in order to receive your scan results, so you may have to uninstall an app or two before you find one you like.
How to Use a Palm Reading Scanner App
The app for palm reading scanners is very easy to use. You need a built-in camera for your phone or other device in order to operate the scanner.
- You must hold your hand in front of your phone or other device camera and line it up with the screen palm outline.
- A photo is taken and you can either reject and try again or accept.
- Once you click accept, a new screen reveals your reading.

Astro Guru: Horoscope, Palmistry & Tarot Reading
The Astro Guru app is from AstroLabs India. You are required to enter your name and your birthdate before you can use the app. Once you scan your hand (photo taken), you receive a reading for heart, head and life lines. Each line is outlined on the photo of your hand in different colors. In addition to the palmistry feature, you can use the Horoscope & Astrology feature, Tarot Card, Hidden Qualities, Love Compatibility, Daily Quotes and Kudli or Vedic Chart. The app is available in several languages. There's also an Astro News feed, but a few users complained that it was politically biased, leaning hard left. Download is available for everyone (various platforms).
Astro Guru Palmistry App Reviews
Overall, the app receives good reviews, although some users state upon more than one try they receive different readings. Just be sure you hold your hand still, align it to the screen frame and then approve the one you feel is best.
Palm Reading Booth
Palm Reading Booth by Vweter Limited uses a screen hand shape guide that isn't as good as others. You are required to enter your first and last name. Once you've taken and approved the photo of your hand, you can begin your free palmistry reading. Some of the features included in the reading are the hand shape, each finger, each mount, finger tip pads, and typical lines, such as head, heart and life lines are given for a well-rounded free reading. You can share your reading via email if you wish. Download is available for everyone (various platforms).
Reviews for the Palm Reading Booth App
There are quite a few pop-up ads throughout the reading. Some you can simply X out while others are timed ads, but only a few seconds. Users complain about the ads. The overall reviews are mixed. If you read those who use the app the way it is intended, the reviews are favorable. The low-scored reviews are from users who take photos of doors, cars and other objects to fool the software reader.
Visit a Pro for In-Depth Readings
Whether you're doing it for insight or just for fun, consider getting your palm read for free at any of these sites. For a more in-depth and personalized reading, it's best to visit a professional palm reader.