Predictive Hindu astrology is based on very different astrology essentials and principles than Western astrology. In fact, Hindu astrologists believe their astrology (also called Vedic astrology or Jyotish) is more accurate since it is based on Dashas, the planetary cycles.
Why Hindu Astrology Is Predictive Astrology
Hindu astrology is considered a predictive astrology since it can be used to predict stages and events in your life that you'll either accept or refuse. It's through the exertion of free will that you create more karma. It's this cycle that your soul strives to break.
Understanding Predictive Hindu Astrology and Its Essentials
The essentials of predictive Hindu astrology are based on the Vedas (Hindu ancient scriptures) and revolve around the theory of Dashas, planetary cycles that define specific stages of your life. The Dashas are determined by the planets and their cosmic movements as explained in the Vedas.
Your Life in Stages
Using Hindu astrology, your life is broken up into different segments defined by a span of years known as ages or periods. Specific planets are assigned as the rulers of these periods of time or stages in your life.
Dashas Influences in Predictive Hindu Astrology
Your life is defined by ages or periods (Dashas) that are governed by specific planets. In predictive Hindu astrology, the planetary movements in relationship to the Sun and Earth are applied to your birth sign to determine your current cosmic pattern.
Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology
In addition to Dashas and their influence, there are other essentials found in predictive Hindu astrology. These contrast dramatically with Western astrology.
No Cusps in Hindu Astrology
There are no cusps in Hindu astrology. In Western astrology, the sun may straddle the imaginary line between two signs.
Moon Sign Most Important
Your moon sign is more important than your sun sign. In Western astrology your moon sign is attributed to ruling your emotional nature.
Different Planets in Hindu Astrology
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aren't used in the Vedic astrological system, although it is based on nine planets. These three planets are part of the Western astrological system. The nine planets of Hindu astrology include:
- Sun: Surya or Ravi
- Moon: Chandra Sandu
- Mars: Mangal or Kuja
- Mercury: Buddha or Budh
- Jupiter: Guru or Brhaspathi
- Venus: Shukra or Sikuru
- Saturn: Shani or Senasuru
- Northern Lunar Node: Rahu
- Southern Lunar Node: Ketu

Rising Sign Before Sun Sign
The ascendant sign is the most important sign in your Vedic chart. In Western astrology, the sun sign is most important with the rising sign augmenting it as the individual personality or the face others see.
Birth Yogas Determines Who Your Are
There are 27 birth yogas that define the relationship of planetary placements. These are determined in a birth chart by the distance between the moon and the sun. The yoga determines the person's essence at the time of birth. Each yoga is formed at 13° 20" (13 degrees and 20 minutes) of 360° consecutively, with the first one, Vishkumbha Yoga (00° to 13°20").
North and South Nodes Important Roles
In Hindu astrology, the South Node is called Ketu and the North Node is known as Rahu. The North Node is your karmic goal in this life. The South Node is the residual from your past life that often translates into a deep desire during this life. A Vedic astrologer can help you see how you might fall into the comfortable patterns of behavior from previous lifetimes and advise you how to avoid negative ones.
Four Vital Accomplishments
There are four basic vital accomplishments you're destined to fulfill this lifetime, and they are addressed in your Hindu astrological chart. These four life purpose goals are given as Dharam, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
Dharma Challenges You
Dharma is righteous and morality. It governs houses one, five and nine. The life force (Dharma) challenges you to discover your role in life. Dharma means that you understand what you were born to accomplish and go after it. While this includes career, it's also about everything you do in life that builds you into the whole spiritual person you were intended to be.
Artha for Gaining Abundance
Artha is wealth and those things of material value. It governs houses two, six and ten. This basic attainment of wealth isn't just about money; it's also about fulfillment obtained through abundant spiritual, emotional, physical and mental life experiences. Gaining self is the greatest wealth you can achieve.
Kama to Give Back
Kama is desire. It governs houses three, seven and eleven. The Hindu god of love is your ideal in giving love back to the world. To achieve kama, you must become successful in your various relationships.
Moksha Offers Freedom
Moksha is the final liberation. It governs houses four, eight and twelve. Liberation is the goal of Moksha in your chart. It isn't always easy to free yourself of the bonds that desires and base needs create. Your Vedic chart reveals the areas that challenge you the most in discovering freedom from self-imposed bonds.
The Five Essentials of Jyotish (Hindu Astrology)
Jyotish is Sanskrit for lord of light, illumination, or, in the case of Vedic astrology, science of light. It's often used as the name for Vedic astrology. There are five essentials of predictive Hindu astrology, also known as Jyotish, that every Vedic astrologer is expected to embody.

Technical Proficiency in Charting
This is a must for any astrologer. Jyotish is considered a science and gives extensive technical information that lays the groundwork for understanding Hindu astrology and interpreting astrological charts. In addition to the basics, an astrologer learns how to perform calculations, recognize Dashas, and perform other necessary tasks such as non-computer calculations and chart drawing.
Continual Practice for Accuracy
Practical application of technical knowledge is necessary in order for the astrologer to become proficient and gain experience. The general belief is that by studying the astrology of past events (lives) of notable and famous individuals, the astrologer can learn without the pressure of accuracy, as well as by reading for people the astrologer may know.
Jyotish Guru Balances
Everyone benefits by having a teacher (guru); this is especially true when it comes to learning astrology. Another person's experience and perspective can give you a new way of seeing things. The word guru isn't coincidental since "gu" translates as darkness and "ru" means remove, which is truly the function of a Jyotish Guru.
Spiritual Practice for Charting Insight
Vedic astrology is a spiritually based science; even though you learn the methodologies, you must also add your own brand of insight into your readings and interpretations. While the guiding force of the conclusions you draw are scientific, the practical application of those principles will ultimately be intuitive.
Ethical Orientation for Serving Others
The astrologer is charged to always be ethical in practices. The objective is to always be of service to others and ever watchful over the welfare of others.
Predictive Hindu Astrology vs Western Astrology
The most significant difference between predictive Hindu astrology and difference Western astrology is fixed planetary placements versus planetary movements. In Western astrology, the planets are viewed as moving through constellations whereas Hindu astrology views planets in fixed positions.

Main Difference Between Western and Predictive Hindu Astrology
The main difference found between Western and Hindu astrology are the types of zodiac each uses. For example, Western astrology is based on the tropical zodiac while Hindu astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac.
Western Astrology and Tropical Zodiac
In the tropical zodiac, the 12 zodiac signs are governed by the Sun and how it orbits around the Earth. Other influences include when the Sun crosses over the Equator (the start of Aries), the four seasons and the two solstices of winter and summer.
Hindu Astrology Uses Sidereal Zodiac
In contrast to Western astrology, predictive Hindu astrology is calculated using the actual positions of planets and constellations. Unlike Western astrology, the Hindu astrology starting point for the zodiac is the point opposite Spica (the brightest start in the Virgo constellation). This marks the start of Aries and advances every 30° for the advancement of the zodiac signs.
Earth's Axis in Predictive Hindu Astrology
In predictive Hindu astrology, the calculations used to accommodate the tilting of the Earth's axis means a 23° difference in zodiac signs when compared to Western astrology. This can impact a person's chart by an entire sign.
One Sun Sign Difference
This 23° difference in Hindu astrology is often used to argue that Hindu astrology is a superior and more accurate methodology than Western astrology. Hindu astrology argues that a Western sun sign that falls within that first 23° arc of the zodiac sign is in the wrong sign when calculated using Hindu astrology. For example, it could mean a Cancer sun sign is a Gemini sun in Hindu astrology since these calculations would move the alignment backwards 23°.
Western Astrology Arguments Against Sign Differences
Some Western astrologers argue that the calculations used to determine zodiac signs are accurate when the correct formulas are used. The waters can become muddied since within both astrology/zodiac systems there many variations open to individual astrologers to use as they prefer.
Personality vs Reaction
Clearly there are significant and obvious differences in Western and Hindu astrology systems. One significant difference is how the two systems attribute astrological influences over the individual.
Western Astrology and Planetary Influences
Western astrology addresses planetary influences that affect your personality and drive your choices in life. A western astrology chart is a map of the psychology behind your actions, relationships, career, and other life arenas.
Hindu Astrology and Soul Progression
Hindu astrology focuses on how you act and react to life situations. It also assists you in gaining a better understanding of your soul's progression in this lifetime and the lessons you're meant to master through certain obstacles and challenges.
Understanding the Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology
The essentials of Vedic astrology are very different from Western astrology. When you learn Hindu astrology, it's important to understand the various nuances that make it a cohesive predictive tool.