The Aries male personality is practically an archetype of raw masculinity. Both the fiery and cardinal forces that govern Aries make for a highly aggressive and even unbalanced individual. For this reason, Aries males are hard to tame and often suffer a lack of self-restraint. Learn more about Aries men and the characteristics of an Aries.
An Aries Male Can Be Aggressive
Aries' ruling planet is Mars. Romans identified their god Mars with the Greek god of war which was Ares. Aries has a thirst for, and love affair with, waging war. This translates into an Aries boy or man profile that is filled with aggressive behavior. An immature Aries sign may constantly incite fights with other males in an effort to assuage his warrior drive which can be a negative trait or weakness in Aries.
He's a Man's Man
The Aries male is a man's man. He's admired by women and men alike and gets along with other men until he's challenged. Any man who steps in Aries' way will quickly feel his wrath. Aries truly enjoys sports, especially those that challenge him. Mountain climbing, biking, car racing and martial arts are typically good matches.

He's Competitive
An Aries man inherits the god of war's ability to quickly strategize and form a plan of attack. Whether it's in business, war or love, Aries is always up to the challenge. He is highly competitive in every area of his life. He enjoys competing against himself as much as he does with others. His career is a benchmark of accomplishments, especially those he garners for being the first in his company or industry to achieve certain successes and milestones. When it comes to his love interest, Aries is drawn to the most desirable partner. He enjoys the competition to win the object of his desire, since he's certain he'll be the victor.
He's Demanding
Aries lives up to his birthright of being the first born of the zodiac. This comes through in his need to always be number one in your life. If he ever feels as though he isn't your number one, he'll be compelled to find someone else to give him that first place status. What you may view as needing to have his ego petted is simply his need for validation. It's tough being the first sign of the zodiac, so cut him some slack whenever you feel he's being a bit too demanding of your time. Pause long enough to give him the loving kiss or reassuring hug. That's really all he needs, but he does need them more often than other sun signs.

He Needs Praise
In your care and treatment of this special man, you need to be sure to pepper your physical demonstrations with a lot of sincere words. Everyone needs to hear those loving words, but Aries has a deeper need than other signs. Don't be stingy with the praise. Just make sure you're sincere because Aries has a built-in radar for insincerity. If he suspects you're playing him, all you'll see is the dust as he takes off on his motorcycle or in his sports car.
He Has Difficulty Finding an Ideal Mate
Aries has a difficult time finding an ideal mate. As a leader-driven archetype who thrives on challenging new projects, commitment is not in his nature. Individuals with a moon or Venus in Aries have a very hard time settling down, and it will take one remarkable woman to keep him homebound. What an Aries desires will often depend on where this sign manifests in his chart. However, for a chart-dominant Aries, an equally passionate mate who is direct yet mysterious may have a chance at catching his interest long term.
He Likes to Make the First Move
If your sights are set on Aries, the last thing you want to do is chase him. Aries is all about the chase, but he prefers to be the hunter. He enjoys the art of pursuit, especially the first moves of flirting, and he's very good at each stage of the chase. Enjoy the attention and don't give in too soon or the excitement will be over once he catches up with you. The harder he must try to win your attention, the greater he'll consider his win. After all, he's number one and believes he deserves only the best.

He's a Romantic
Once the thrill of the chase is over, Aries is tempted to stray unless his mate rekindles his imagination. Aries wants true love, but he's also a romantic who enjoys wining and dining his lover, so look for those as early signs the Aries man is falling in love with you. He seeks a romantic partner who can be a pal when he wants to go whitewater rafting or exploring a new hiking trail. A partner who can shift in and out of the role of lover and friend will surely capture his heart forever.
Aries the Aggressor
Though an Aries male can sometimes make for a complicated relationship, this zodiac sign isn't actually complicated on a personal level. Aries' cardinal triplicity and fire element are in perfect harmony; both are forward and direct energies. Aries is a soldier and a leader and his relationships will be only become complicated when challenged by individuals of a contradictory nature. Do not try and restrain him, but instead allow him to thrive in his element and all will be well. The world has developed through centuries of political and technological progress, often fueled by the drive of Aries individuals. This energy and archetype is vital and should only be suppressed when Aries' truly worst points rear themselves.
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