If you're searching for your Aquarius monthly horoscope, we'll tell you about some of the best sites to visit, and what you'll find once you get there.
Horoscope Tips
When it comes to reading your Aquarius monthly horoscope, there are a few things you won't find on some of the sites you may visit. In most instances, you won't find specific dates or times for receiving love, money or big career changes. There are some exceptions to this, but we'll discuss those in a moment.
That said, you also want to be wary of sites that offer one to two sentences about your monthly horoscope, and then push to have you purchase the "full report". There are simply too many good sites out there that offer a free monthly Aquarius horoscope. Don't pay for more info unless you truly want to.
Find the Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
With that disclaimer out of the way, here are some online sites that are good bets for finding your Aquarius monthly horoscope:
Free Astrology Zone
This site is run by famed astrologer Susan Miller, who is extremely talented when it comes to peering into the tea leaves. In addition to her fantastic monthly horoscopes (four pages plus), you also have the option of seeing her in-person.
After you've finished reading your Aquarius horoscope for the current month, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll find her "Appearances" section. The way it works is that she'll tell you where she'll be (usually at a Barnes-N-Noble or an Apple Store), the time and the date. All you have to do is show up and ask a question. The best part about all of this, save for transportation costs, is that it's free.
On the other hand, if you're unable to attend one of the sites she's visiting, then you have the option of taking part in a Telechat. It's basically the same scenario of seeing her in person (you get to ask questions), except you have to pay the long distance telephone charges.
While you'll find exquisitely detailed reports about your upcoming month, you won't find much else. That is to say, if you were wondering what Venus conjunct Mars in Aries means, Ms. Miller won't provide that much information. In fact, her site almost exclusively focuses on monthly horoscopes, but there is a bit of info offered on the following topics:
- Vacation Tips
- Handling Stress
- Fitness Guide
- Discover Love
All of the information Ms. Miller provides with these links are written from an astrological perspective, and while they are substantial in their information, they don't provide specifics about technical astrological terms.
Cafe Astrology
CafeAstrology.com offers monthly horoscopes for all signs including Aquarius. Each monthly reading is divided into three decanates that focus on a specific set of birth dates within that sign. Although you can read a general monthly horoscope for all Aquarians, reading the decanate that includes your exact birth date provides you with a horoscope that matches you closer than the general reading.
Should You Visit?
So, should you visit these sites? Absolutely. If it's all for fun and you feel as if you'd like to explore your more mystical side, then yes, take the plunge. These sites are fun and serve up a great read.